Sagenb long (graph) calculations silently terminating
To recapitulate the title, I've been having quite a few different sagenb runs silently terminate lately...the green sidebar just goes away, and the full_output.txt link appears, but the results are clearly incomplete. Just wondering if anyone knew why this might be happening, or could suggest a remedy... I considered the possibility of a memory limit issue, but processing items from generators one at a time rather than building large lists seems to have no impact. I have no tracebacks to post, as whatever is stopping the execution is doing so without raising an exception. By printing intermediate results, I've found that the execution doesn't stop deterministically at the same point, though certain runs will consistently be cut off before completion. Here is a sample which never seems to complete: In this case, I'm cataloguing the automorphism groups of cubic graphs, but can't seem to get through the 18-vertex case...thanks in advance for any help!
import collections
lglist=collections.Counter() for k in range(4,19):
gen = (graphs.nauty_geng(str(k) + "-C -d3 -D3"))
while 0==0:
except StopIteration:
if g.vertex_connectivity()>=3:
except RuntimeError:
for item in lglist.items():
print item
I'm using sage 5.5. After running the code I get an error, not a silent termination. RuntimeError: Gap produced error output recursion depth trap (5000) executing Size($sage119); Perhaps this is a bug?
Though avoiding unnecessary gap calls seems to help a bit, there appears to be something else going wrong as well... adding gap.SetRecursionTrapInterval(0) at the start doesn't allow the example code above to complete in my sagenb.
When you say using sagenb, do you mean I believe that does indeed have a time limit set, since it is a free resource.
Yes, that was my first thought but I figured there would be an error message or something prominent in the documentation.