Laplace of the differential of another variable in sage
Why did the diff(y.laplace(t,s),x) come out to be D[0](laplace)(y(x, t), t, s)*D[0](y)(x, t)
? Could someone help me?
Why did the diff(y.laplace(t,s),x) come out to be D[0](laplace)(y(x, t), t, s)*D[0](y)(x, t)
? Could someone help me?
As best I can tell, it looks like Sage is doing the chain rule here. So, it is treating laplace(y,t,s)
as a symbol and gives the derivative w.r.t. x as D[0](laplace(y,t,s))*D[0](y(x,t))
. Taking the second derivative gives something that looks like the product rule and the chain rule were used.
I think Sage is using Maxima to do this. So, this might be an issue with how Maxima handles partial derivatives of Laplace transforms.
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Asked: 2012-08-21 05:47:19 +0100
Seen: 502 times
Last updated: Sep 10 '12
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