SageTeX on Linux. pdflatex isn't running Sage
I manually installed Sage into ~/sage-5.2 (i.e. not using my distro's package management tool).
I included in my LaTeX document the example of plotting a sine wave into my .tex file (from the tutorial). When I run pdflatex on it, I get:
Package sagetex Warning: Graphics file sage-plots-for-statistics.tex/plot-0.png on page 3 does not exist. Plot command is on input line 129.
Package sagetex Warning: there were undefined Sage formulas and/or plots. Run Sage on statistics.sagetex.sage, and then run LaTeX on statistics.tex again
It's clear it's not running Sage. It generates the .sage file, though.
I included ~/sage-5.2 into my path, as well as ~/sage-5.2/local/bin/ and it still doesn't pick Sage up.
When it says "Run Sage on statistics.sagetex.sage, and then run LaTeX on statistics.tex again", those are directions for you to follow. pdflatex won't run Sage for you, you have to do it yourself.
That's a bit of a bummer. I'm actually writing my .tex document in Emacs (org mode, actually) and using its export capability to run pdflatex. It would be a pain to have to do it manually each time.