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IE9: Loss of Sage Functionality

asked 2011-08-24 11:33:23 +0100

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I'm using Sage in the high-school second-year Algebra course I teach, and many of my students use Internet Explorer 9.

When I open Sage in IE9, I lose some functionality. Shift-Enter does not evaluate, and "command( + Tab" does not open an options menu. There are probably more problems I haven't seen.

Is there a way to get full Sage functionality in IE9?

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This isn't a good answer, but one way is to give more bug reports like this! Unfortunately (?), few of our developers use Windows, so sometimes things are not tested as much there. IE also really does javascript differently than standards, which makes it difficult to predict what will happen.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 2011-08-24 14:13:17 +0100 )edit

Does turning "compatibility view" on (or off) help?

niles gravatar imageniles ( 2011-08-24 16:56:31 +0100 )edit

@niles: As I understand compatibility view, the option only comes if IE determines the format is incompatible. The compatibility icon doesn't appear when I work in Sage, so IE9 doesn't think it's incompatible and doesn't give me the option to switch it.

Brad Burkman gravatar imageBrad Burkman ( 2011-08-25 19:39:16 +0100 )edit

Also in IE9, I just discovered, the "Sign Out" link isn't working.

Brad Burkman gravatar imageBrad Burkman ( 2011-08-25 19:52:29 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-06-30 15:28:17 +0100

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You can force IE9 into compatibility mode by pressing F12 to raise the developer tools. On the title bar of the developer tools is an entry for browser mode, whcih will likely say IE9. Click it and change it to IE9 Compat View. This fixed my Shift-Enter and Rename issues.

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Asked: 2011-08-24 11:33:23 +0100

Seen: 673 times

Last updated: Jun 30 '12