Compile errors Ubuntu on WSL with Conda

asked 2 years ago

Rutger gravatar image

updated 2 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

I'm trying to compile sage9.6 on Ubuntu installed on Windows via WSL using Conda according to these instructions:

Apparently Conda wants to install and compile Python3.10.3 as after step: ./configure --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX I see: python3-3.10.3: no suitable system package; standard, will be installed as an SPKG

Then when I do : make I get error compiling Python to the effect of : sys/auxv.h not found when compiling Modules/faulthandler.c

Now I read here that there's a patch for this :

The problem is that when i apply these changes in the source the next make just overwrites my changes. So I get the same error again.

In Makefile I see something like:

/# Preemptively download all source tarballs of normal packages. download: export SAGE_ROOT= (pwd) & \ export PATH= SAGE_ROOT/build/bin: PATH & \ sage-package download :all:

Suggesting that maybe there is a way to patch the Python source and run make again without overwriting. But so far nothing works.

Is there a way to solve this problem? Many thanks in advance, this is driving me crazy

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Hi Rutger

Is there any particular reason you want to install SageMath via conda on WSL2 ?

ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2 years ago )

@ortollj Not really. This is just the distribution I have at my disposal. I don't think WSL has anything to do with the error..

Rutger gravatar imageRutger ( 2 years ago )

So maybe you can try to install Sagemath like here as a work around ? Waiting an answer to the Conda pb ?

ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2 years ago )