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How to correctly setup sagemath to use external CAS system?

asked 2 years ago

Nasser gravatar image

updated 2 years ago

I think sagemath handling of using external CAS system is not too clear.

I installed sagemath 9.6 beta 7. It comes with OLD maxima and old GIAC CAS systems.

So I downloaded maxima and giac directly from their websites and build them from sources and installed them. They go to /usr/local/bin

>which maxima

>maxima --version
Maxima 5.45.1

>which giac

>giac --version
// Maximum number of parallel threads 24
// (c) 2001, 2021 B. Parisse & others

The versions that come with sagemath sources tar file are older.

Maxima is 5.45.0 and giac is These are old.

The problem is that there is no option in ./configure to tell it _not_ to include or build these old versions so that a user can use the newer versions in /usr/local/bin

Each time I install sagemath I have to go to its $SAGE_ROOT/local/bin and manually delete maxima and giac and make symbolic links to the ones I want to actually use in my /usr/local/bin so I can use these from sagemath.

>cd $SAGE_ROOT/local/bin
>ls -l maxima
lrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 21 Apr  7 12:16 maxima -> /usr/local/bin/maxima
>ls -l giac
lrwxrwxrwx 1 me me 19 Apr  7 12:17 giac -> /usr/local/bin/giac

The only problem doing it this way, is that sagemath ver command still thinks it is using the old maxima and giac I deleted, only in terms of displaying the version numbers

 SageMath version 9.6.beta7, Release Date: 2022-04-02               
 Using Python 3.10.3. Type "help()" for help.                       

sage: ver = installed_packages()
sage: ver['maxima']
sage: ver['giac']

sage:  print(maxima.version())
WARNING: Maxima is unable to set up the help system.
(Details: CL-INFO::LOAD-PRIMARY-INDEX: Couldn't load
                                       file does not exist.)


 sage: print(giac.version())
"giac 1.7.0, (c) B. Parisse and R. De Graeve, Institut Fourier, Universite de Grenoble I"

So I can just use print(giac.version()) and not use ver['giac'] from now on to get the correct version number.

I just think this whole issue needs better design.

Why not allow users when doing ./configure the ability to _not_ install CAS systems they already have on their system. This will solve all this confusion. I see that one can do this with fricas (it is not on by default, and to install it, one must do ./configure --enable-fricas to install. But not for maxima and not for giac. Why?

Now, I see no option to do this.

Is there a better way to do all of this?

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answered 2 years ago

updated 2 years ago

The short answer: someone has to implement this. Some components of Sage are already handled like this, but not all.

A longer answer: you should check in the top-level "config.log" file to see why it is not recognizing your system installation of giac, because it is supposed to be detected. There is a relevant ./configure option:

--with-system-giac={no|yes (default)|force (exit with an error if no usable version is found)}

The relevant code is located (in the source code) in build/pkgs/giac/, and in particular in build/pkgs/giac/spkg-configure.m4. See also build/pkgs/giac/distros/ for the names of packages that provide giac for various packaging systems.

maxima doesn't have an spkg-configure.m4file, and so there is no corresponding test to see if it's already installed. There is work toward implementing it at

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Asked: 2 years ago

Seen: 510 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '22