How does one use Sage under Windows 10?
How does one use Sage under Windows 10?
How does one use Sage under Windows 10?
A native binary installer for Windows is available. Please visit the SageMath page and follow the download link.
Once installed, click on "SageMath X.x Notebook" and use the program in the Jupyter environment. This is the standard way of using.
Thank you - I have performed the steps you indicated, but I don't know how to "use the program in the Jupyter environment." Can you explain what this means? Do I need to download the Jupyter program?
Jupyter environment is already installed with SageMath. If you installed SageMath 9.1, just click on "SageMath 9.1 Notebook" and it opens a Jupyter session in your internet browser. On the right, you will see "New". Press on it and select SageMath 9.1. Now you can run your commands. Also see this.
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Asked: 2020-11-08 22:20:51 +0100
Seen: 288 times
Last updated: Nov 09 '20
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