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Spanish numbers using LaTeX

asked 2019-06-30 06:08:29 +0100

dsejas gravatar image

updated 2019-07-01 00:18:33 +0100

slelievre gravatar image

Dear SageMath community,

I am currently writing a LaTeX document in Spanish that relies heavily on sageTeX for computations. The rules for writing numbers in Spanish are a little different from English ones. For example, we are prohibited from using commas to separate every 1000 factor, instead using a small space, only if the number is longer than four digits; otherwise, no sign should be used. On the other hand, the decimal point is actually a decimal comma. For example,

  • 1,000,000.25 should be written as 1 000 000,25
  • 123,456,789.123456789 should be written as 123 456 789,123 456 789
  • 4,000 should be written as 4000

Using sageTeX, SageMath's latex command, and LaTeX babel package, it is easy to replace the decimal point with a decimal comma. It is also easy to eliminate the commas for every 1000 factor. However, I haven't been able to put a small space instead.

I could use the siunitx LaTeX package, which has a command, \num, that does exactly this processing. However, it doesn't work with sageTeX's \sage command or any of it's environments. The only solution I can find is to apply the \num command directly to every number generated by SageMath via the latex command.

My problem is: I don't know how to do this, specially in cases where numbers are entries of a matrix, or the coefficients of a polynomial. So, how could I apply the \num command to every number independently using the latex command?

Thanks in advance for your answers! Any alternative approach is also welcomed.

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Thank you for pointing this Spanish rule. I was taught in school to use dots to separate every three digits. Apparently this has changed since

heluani gravatar imageheluani ( 2020-02-04 22:53:35 +0100 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2019-07-05 03:40:34 +0100

dsejas gravatar image

Hello, Sage community. I was able to adapt @Juanjo's answer, but then I did some incantation (which I don't completely understand) that generalized his method. The only problem is that I had to modify the code in the file sage.misc.latex.latex. Here I describe what I did.

First of all, I made a copy of the file I just mentioned, and added a small modification of part of your code. Here is the patch:

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 from sage.misc.sage_ostools import have_program
 from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_dir

 @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 from sage.misc.sage_ostools import have_program
 from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_dir

+from sage.all import RR, CC

@@ -921,6 +922,10 @@
             sage: latex((x,2), combine_all=True)
             x 2
+        if x in RR:
+            return LatexExpr(r'\num{' + str(x) + '}')
+        elif x in CC:
+            return LatexExpr(r'\num{' + str(x.real_part()) + '+' + str(x.imag_part()) + 'i}')
         if has_latex_attr(x):
             return LatexExpr(x._latex_())

I saved this as, then I made an import:

from LaTeX import latex

And here is the part I don't understand:

sage.misc.latex.latex = latex

This last line makes my new latex() function work on matrices, tuples, list, etc. automatically. (Why?)

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answered 2019-07-01 17:46:59 +0100

Juanjo gravatar image

I will provide a parcial answer to the question. Let us consider the following LaTeX code:



def NumWrap(number):
    if number in ZZ or number.parent()==QQ:
        return r"\num{"+ str(number) + "}"
        return r"\num{"+ str(float(number)) + "}" 

def MatWrap(m):
    s = r"\begin{pmatrix} " 
    for nrow in range(m.nrows()):
        for ncol in range(m.ncols()-1):
            s += NumWrap(m[nrow,ncol]) + " & "
        s += NumWrap(m[nrow,-1])
        if nrow<m.nrows()-1: s += r" \\ "
    s += r" \end{pmatrix}"
    return s

Let us do a few operations with integers:
   \num{125}\times\num{8750}+\num{93251} = \sagestr{NumWrap(125*8750+93251)}.
Now, we operate with fractions, first in display math mode:
   \sisetup{quotient-mode = fraction}
   \num{12985/3425} + \num{100000/625}
   = \sagestr{NumWrap(12985/3425+100000/625)},
and now in inline math mode:
$\num{12985/3425} + \num{100000/625}=\sagestr{NumWrap(12985/3425+100000/625)}$.

It is the turn for floating point numbers and matrices.
m = matrix([[12.3456, 2.3453456],[-987654.32456, 23145.5342]])
   M = \sagestr{MatWrap(m)}.
   M^{-1} = \sagestr{MatWrap(m.inverse())}.


Suppose that x is a number coming from a Sage computation that we want to include in the LaTeX document. The Sage function NumWrap takes a string representation of this number and returns the string \num{str(x)}. This string is passed from Sage to LaTeX by the \sagestr macro, so it can be typeset. For a matrix, MatWrap applies NumWrap to each element and adds LaTeX code to get a pmatrix environment (defined in the amsmath package). I adjoin a screen capture of the document obtained after typesetting the above LaTeX code. image description

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Hello, @Juanjo. Thank you very much for your answer!!! I had an awful time trying to use the \num LaTeX command through sageTeX. I could find a general solution (see my answer), but I used yours as a starting point. Thanks again!

dsejas gravatar imagedsejas ( 2019-07-05 03:42:57 +0100 )edit

answered 2020-02-02 10:16:06 +0100

sononicola gravatar image

I'm trying to create something more like the command \SI{number}{units} of siunitx package but I have some trouble.

Starting with the answer of @Juanjo I'm arrived here:

def SIsage(number,units=0):
    if units==0: 
        if number in ZZ or number.parent()==QQ:
            return r"\SI{"+ str(number) + "}"
            return r"\SI{"+ str(float(number)) + "}"
        if number in ZZ or number.parent()==QQ:
            return r"\SI{"+ str(number) + "}" +"{"+ units + "}"
            return r"\SI{"+ str(float(number)) + "}" +"{"+ units + "}"

and it works except when using \newton witch it become "ewton" problably cause to \n

After this I want to create a new custom LaTeX command that replace \SI{}{} but I have some trouble with non-default arguments. I didn't understand how them work. I want be able to use both of \SI{number}{units} that \SI{number} without units. Probably the best choise is to create two different commands(?)

\newcommand{\SISAGE}[2]{\SIsage_number{#2}\SIsage_units{#1})} #doesn't work

The command I want:


So my problems are:

  1. how to avoid \n
  2. how to set an unic custom command \SISAGE

Thanks everybody

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Hello, @sononicola! Since this is a different question from my original, you shouldn't post it as an answer to my original question. This will cause confusion among user. Please, re-ask your doubt as a separate one. I have an answer for you, but I can't post it here.

dsejas gravatar imagedsejas ( 2020-02-03 16:56:28 +0100 )edit

Sorry I read this only now. I didn't receveid any notification. Thanks for your help. I have post a question right now @dsejas

sononicola gravatar imagesononicola ( 2020-02-07 07:27:50 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2019-06-30 06:08:29 +0100

Seen: 1,349 times

Last updated: Feb 02 '20