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HUGE delay in sage.crypto.sbox.SBox method nonlinearity() introduced in v.8.2

asked 6 years ago

sageuser1 gravatar image

updated 6 years ago

Average time in nonlinearity() in v.8.1. was *200 ms Average time in nonlinearity() in v.8.2 is 5.1 s*

Here is the code I have used in order to track the issue:

sage: for j in range(10):
....:     S = [x for x in range(256)];shuffle(S)
....:     S = sage.crypto.sbox.SBox(S)
....:     %time S.nonlinearity()

Results from Sage 8.1

CPU times: user 237 ms, sys: 1.87 ms, total: 239 ms
Wall time: 236 ms
CPU times: user 208 ms, sys: 12.5 ms, total: 220 ms
Wall time: 220 ms
CPU times: user 287 ms, sys: 1.41 ms, total: 288 ms
Wall time: 288 ms

Results from Sage 8.2

CPU times: user 5.12 s, sys: 30.6 ms, total: 5.15 s
Wall time: 5.16 s
CPU times: user 5.04 s, sys: 14.3 ms, total: 5.05 s
Wall time: 5.05 s
CPU times: user 5.08 s, sys: 13 ms, total: 5.09 s
Wall time: 5.09 s
CPU times: user 5.03 s, sys: 8.56 ms, total: 5.04 s
Wall time: 5.04 s
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Please provide the code that exhibits the slowdown. The next step will be to run with profiling to see if any changes stick out.

nbruin gravatar imagenbruin ( 6 years ago )

I have updated the post with the code I have used to profile the slowdown.

sageuser1 gravatar imagesageuser1 ( 6 years ago )

2 Answers

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answered 6 years ago

nbruin gravatar image

Thank you for reporting this. It looks like a rather severe regression. With

S = [x for x in range(256)];shuffle(S)
S = sage.crypto.sbox.SBox(S)
%prun -s cumtime S.nonlinearity()

on 8.1 and 8.2+ you can see that the call graph has changed significantly. Recent changes on sbox have been made by Friedrich Wiemer. You should file a trac ticket and CC him on it. He would likely have a good idea what the cause of the slowdown is and if it can be fixed.

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Samuel informed me, I'll take a look into this.

asante gravatar imageasante ( 6 years ago )

Please update us with the final resolution. Beside that, don't you think that the time needed (200 ms) for finding nonlinearity() of one vectorial boolean function (8 x 8) in SageMath 8.1 is too much, too?

sageuser1 gravatar imagesageuser1 ( 6 years ago )

@sageuser1 yes that may well be the case. If I find some spare time, I'll try to investigate if this could be improved.

asante gravatar imageasante ( 6 years ago )

@sageuser1 I finally had some spare time and checked the timings of a simple c implementation to compute the LAT (which is the main time consuming part for computing the nonlinearity). I guess the Sage implementation can definitely be improved. I opened a ticket for it, and will work on it at the upcoming SageDays.

asante gravatar imageasante ( 6 years ago )

@asante Thank you for your update!

sageuser1 gravatar imagesageuser1 ( 6 years ago )

answered 6 years ago

asante gravatar image

I've opened the following ticket: The regression was indeed introduced by recent changes to the SBox module and should be fixed with the above patch.

Thanks for reporting this!

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Asked: 6 years ago

Seen: 725 times

Last updated: Jun 07 '18