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2024-04-29 17:26:20 +0200 commented answer How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

Thanks! This is a clever method. But it takes about 40 seconds for NROWS, NCOLS, WEIGHT = 150000, 4000, 250. I found a

2024-04-29 17:25:22 +0200 commented answer How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

Thanks! This is a clever method. But it takes about 40 seconds for NROWS, NCOLS, WEIGHT = 150000, 4000, 250. I found a

2024-04-29 17:24:43 +0200 commented answer How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

Thanks! This is a clever method. But it takes about 40 seconds for NROWS, NCOLS, WEIGHT = 150000, 4000, 250. I found a

2024-04-29 17:08:12 +0200 commented question How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

Thanks!It is better if such a matrix is random. I have found a method that costs about 3s.

2024-04-29 06:41:17 +0200 commented question How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

No random matrix! A matrix of size 150000 \times 4000, whose each column has a fixed hamming weight of 250. If using t

2024-04-29 04:49:10 +0200 edited question How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight Dear all, How to generate a matrix whose columns hav

2024-04-29 04:47:42 +0200 asked a question How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight

How to fast generate a matrix with columns of fixed hamming weight Dear all, How to generate a matrix whose columns hav

2024-03-09 16:32:18 +0200 marked best answer How to generate random vector with specific hamming weight in GF(q) ?

Dear all,

How to generate random vectors with a specific hamming weight in the finite field GF(q) ?


2024-03-09 11:25:43 +0200 asked a question How to generate random vector with specific hamming weight in GF(q) ?

How to generate random vector with specific hamming weight in GF(q) ? Dear all, How to generate random vectors with a s

2024-01-03 14:56:28 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-01-03 14:56:28 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-11-08 16:41:08 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-02-19 07:22:01 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-02-14 02:51:43 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-02-12 14:44:24 +0200 edited question q-polynomial and Rank Decoding Problem

q-polynomial and Rank Decoding Problem Dear all, For the Rank Decoding (RD) problem: Given $y=mG+e$ , random row full-

2023-02-10 02:28:57 +0200 commented question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

I have other questions. Look at

2023-02-10 02:28:03 +0200 asked a question q-polynomial and Rank Decoding Problem

q-polynomial and Rank Decoding Problem Dear all, For the Rank Decoding (RD) problem: Given $y=mG+e$ , random row full-

2023-02-10 01:54:02 +0200 commented question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

I have other questions.

2023-02-10 01:52:04 +0200 commented question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

For the RD problem, since all coordinates of $\bm e=(e_1,e_2,...,e_n)$ of weight $r$ lie in the same support (a subspace

2023-02-09 12:23:08 +0200 commented question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

Thanks very much!!!

2023-02-09 12:19:59 +0200 edited question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)? Dear all, A $q$-polynomial of $q$-degree $r$ in $GF(q^m)$ is a po

2023-02-09 04:04:21 +0200 edited question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)? Dear all, A $q$-polynomial of $q$-degree $r$ in $GF(q^m)$ is a po

2023-02-09 03:57:34 +0200 edited question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)? Dear all, A $q$-polynomial of $q$-degree $r$ in $GF(q^m)$ is a po

2023-02-09 03:57:01 +0200 edited question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)? Dear all, A $q$-polynomial of $q$-degree r in $GF(q^m)$ is a poly

2023-02-09 03:55:29 +0200 asked a question How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)?

How to define q-polynomial in a finite field GF(q^m)? Dear all, A $q$-polynomial of $q$-degree r in $GF(q^m)$ is a poly

2022-12-03 16:26:36 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-02-26 09:44:50 +0200 commented answer Generating an invertible matrix over a finite field

Yes! thanks!

2022-02-26 09:44:46 +0200 marked best answer Generating an invertible matrix over a finite field

How to generate an invertible matrix over a finite field?

2022-01-20 09:06:36 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2022-01-20 04:04:59 +0200 edited question Generating an invertible matrix over a finite field

Generating an invertible matrix over a finite field? How to generate an invertible matrix over a finite field?

2022-01-20 04:02:53 +0200 asked a question Generating an invertible matrix over a finite field

Generating an invertible matrix over a finite field? How to generate an invertible matrix over a finite field?

2021-05-09 04:37:00 +0200 commented question How to make the product of two linear spaces?

No cartesian_product. I only know this method with poor efficiency. Do you have other efficient methods? q = 2 ; m = 22

2021-05-09 04:28:08 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fq

2021-05-09 04:27:56 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fq

2021-05-09 04:25:04 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fq

2021-05-09 04:24:30 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fq

2021-05-09 04:24:10 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm. def gen_vec_space(t):

2021-05-09 04:23:36 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fq

2021-05-09 04:23:10 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm

2021-05-09 04:21:59 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

enter q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t ov

2021-05-09 04:21:09 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

1111111 enter code here `q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector spa

2021-05-09 04:20:26 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

`q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fq

2021-05-09 04:19:41 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm

2021-05-09 04:12:21 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm

2021-05-09 04:11:37 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm

2021-05-09 04:11:18 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm

2021-05-09 04:10:43 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) def gen_vec_space(t): # generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm

2021-05-09 04:10:01 +0200 commented question How to delete several vectors from a vector space?

q = 2 ; m = 229; n = 83; r = 8 Fqm = GF(q^m) generate a vector space of dimension t over Fqm def gen_vec_space(t):