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2023-03-27 08:41:51 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-08-09 12:08:44 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-06-21 04:35:56 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-10-30 01:16:22 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2017-10-27 02:01:13 +0200 commented answer Is it possible to plot with symbols for x and y ticks?

Thanks Bruno, this is exactly what I want to do. However the function I wish to plot is a bit more complicated than just sin(x) so I was hoping that there would be a way to get sage to figure out where to put the symbolic ticks.

But as you say, if plot requires floating point numbers, then sage is probably not capable of automagically doing the symbolic plotting I'm after.

I think it would be a neat capability to add though!

2017-10-27 02:01:13 +0200 commented question Is it possible to plot with symbols for x and y ticks?

Hi Dan, thanks for your reply. The first option you gave was the situation I was trying to describe: Fix parameters w, A and get a 2D-plot of the function of variable x.

And yes the tics I'm referring to are simple marks on the coordinate axes -I'm using gnuplot terminology there.

I know you could do this trivially with something like plot(y(x=x, w=2, A=5), (x,-pi(),pi())

But I was interested to see if Sage could plot it without me providing it a specific constant for A and w, but instead using the "assume" operator to define those constants as being real and positive, and plot with the axes expressed in terms of A and w rather than numerically.

Obviously this is just an example, the function I'm dealing with is a bit more complicated.

Does that clarify my question?

2017-10-24 16:05:33 +0200 asked a question Is it possible to plot with symbols for x and y ticks?

I'd like to plot a function similar to something like: y= Asin(wx) Something along the lines of

x = var('x')

w = var('w')

A = var('A')

y = Asin(wx)



Then be able to do:

plot(y(x=x), (x,-2pi()/w,2pi()/w)

And have sage plot the function, where for the x-axis the ticks would be something like (-2pi/w, -pi/w, 0, pi/w, 2pi/w) and the y-ticks would look like (-A, -A/2,0, A/2, A).

Hopefully that makes sense? Is this possible?