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2024-02-24 00:26:37 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-02-24 00:26:37 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-09-16 08:48:36 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-05-19 14:31:34 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-04-03 09:46:08 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-01-14 11:50:03 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-01-14 11:50:03 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-12-10 10:06:53 +0200 commented answer A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

Thanks for the fixup of parametricplot ! indeed the three branches appear only after enlarging the t range to say -8,8,

2021-12-08 08:36:16 +0200 commented answer A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

Thanks for the fixup of parametricplot ! indeed the three branches appear only after enlarging the t range to say -8,8,

2021-12-08 07:40:47 +0200 commented answer A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

Thanks for the fixup of parametricplot ! indeed the three branches appear only after enlarging the t range to say -8,8,

2021-12-08 06:48:41 +0200 marked best answer A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

Hi The following plot

parametric_plot( (8*(6+t)/(t^2-16), 2*(8+ 3 *t)/(t^2-16)), (t, -6, 6),xmin=-3,xmax=3,detect_poles=True)

has three branches. 1) For some reason, the plot is not correct. Also

parametric_plot( (8*(6+t)/(t^2-16), 2*(8+ 3 *t)/(t^2-16)), (t, -6, 6),xmin=-3,xmax=3,ymin=-3,ymax=3)

fails. 2)How to plot the branches in different colors? 3) Can I add a point moved by a cursor when t increases, like with the Mathematica command Manipulate? Or make an animation to show how a point traverses the three branches?

2021-12-08 06:48:23 +0200 received badge  Supporter (source)
2021-12-05 10:17:07 +0200 edited question A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work Hi The following plot v

2021-12-04 21:11:47 +0200 edited question A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work Hi The following plot v

2021-12-04 21:11:04 +0200 edited question A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

How to restrict the range of a parametric plot and draw the branches in different colors Hi The following plot var('

2021-12-04 21:10:14 +0200 edited question A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

How to restrict the range of a parametric plot and draw the branches in different colors Hi The following plot var('

2021-12-04 20:12:17 +0200 asked a question A parametric plot with branches for which restricting the range with xmin, xmax doesn't work

How to restrict the range of a parametric plot and draw the branches in different colors Hi The following plot var('

2021-12-01 12:54:21 +0200 asked a question draw a parametric plot with several branches in different colors

draw a parametric plot with several branches in different colors Hi The following plot var('t') parametric_plot( (8*(6

2021-10-27 05:46:08 +0200 commented question Is there a macro solving transportation problems stage by stage?

transportation problem asks finding the least cost solution for moving merchandize between "supplies" and demands". It

2021-10-07 18:41:02 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-06-27 03:03:04 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-06-27 03:03:04 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-12-27 20:57:30 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-12-27 20:57:30 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-10-14 20:07:50 +0200 commented question Creating a function in Sage

Merci, Emmanuel, now it works :)

def optL(f,h):
   var('a, b, x, y, lam')
   assume(a>=0,b>=0,x>= 0)
   L = f + h * lam
   DL = L.gradient([x, y])
   sol = solve([DL[k] == 0 for k in range(len(DL))]+[ h == 0],x, y, lam,
   ti=[["$\\lambda$","$x$", "$y$", "$f(x, y)$"]]
   re=[(sol[j][lam],sol[j][x], sol[j][y],f(x=sol[j][x], y=sol[j][y])) for j in range(len(sol))]
   ans=table(ti + re, header_row = True)
   return re
ex5=optL(x*y,x^2/a^2+ y^2/b^2-1)
2020-10-14 17:29:52 +0200 asked a question Creating a function in Sage

Hi I have a sequence of commands which does Lagrangian optimization

var('a, b, x, y, lam')
assume(a>=0,b>=0,x>= 0)
f = x*y #minimiser et maximiser sous contrainte d'egalite h=0
h = x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2-1
L = f + h * lam
DL = L.gradient([x, y])
sol = solve([DL[k] == 0 for k in range(len(DL))]+[ h == 0],x, y, lam,
ti=[["$\\lambda$","$x$", "$y$", "$f(x, y)$"]]
[lam],sol[j][x], sol[j][y],f(x=sol[j][x], y=sol[j][y])) for j in
table(ti + re, header_row = True)

and I would like to turn it into a function. I add the declaration, but I get no output. I know neither why, nor how to debug this. Thanks for any help :)

def optL(f,h):
       var('a, b, x, y, lam')
       assume(a>=0,b>=0,x>= 0)
       L = f + h * lam
       DL = L.gradient([x, y])
       sol = solve([DL[k] == 0 for k in range(len(DL))]+[ h == 0],x, y, lam,
       ti=[["$\\lambda$","$x$", "$y$", "$f(x, y)$"]]
       re=[(sol[j][lam],sol[j][x], sol[j][y],f(x=sol[j][x], y=sol[j][y])) for j in range(4)]
       table(ti + re, header_row = True)
optL(x*y,x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2-1)
2020-04-06 17:58:15 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-12-13 18:58:54 +0200 answered a question how to find the source of a programme like InteractiveLPProblem

The answer is InteractiveLPProblem??

2019-12-11 09:53:37 +0200 asked a question how to find the source of a programme like InteractiveLPProblem

I'm using sage 8.8 on Windows 10. Thanks !

2019-11-26 18:46:35 +0200 asked a question Is there a macro solving transportation problems stage by stage?

I would like something using the special structure of the problem, for teaching purposes, like the wonderful InteractiveLPProblem for linear programming. Thanks

2019-09-25 19:28:27 +0200 asked a question Saving notebooks with 3dplots

Hi I tried both html and .pdf, but the 3dplots seem to have disappeared. Is there a trick to get a copy of your session, includimg the 3dplots?

2019-09-25 18:59:12 +0200 received badge  Commentator
2019-09-25 18:59:12 +0200 commented answer weird behavior of show command

Thanks! The error on 8.8 came maybe from Spectral

2019-09-25 18:51:11 +0200 answered a question weird behavior of show command

I reinstalled the latest Windows version 8.8. repeating now a second time the show(g1) yields error!

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-2dbcc4c9974d> in <module>()
----> 1 show(g1)

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/rich_output/pretty_print.pyc in show(*args, **kwds)
    256         args[0].show()
    257         return
--> 258     pretty_print(*args, **kwds)

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/rich_output/pretty_print.pyc in pretty_print(*args, **kwds)
    227             pass
    228         elif len(args) == 1:
--> 229             dm.display_immediately(*args, **kwds)
    230         else:
    231             SequencePrettyPrinter(*args, **kwds).pretty_print()

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.pyc in display_immediately(self, obj, **rich_repr_kwds)
    833             1/2
    834         """
--> 835         plain_text, rich_output = self._rich_output_formatter(obj, rich_repr_kwds)
    836         self._backend.display_immediately(plain_text, rich_output)

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.pyc in _rich_output_formatter(self, obj, rich_repr_kwds)
    633         if rich_output is None:
    634             rich_output = self._preferred_text_formatter(
--> 635                 obj, plain_text=plain_text, **rich_repr_kwds)
    636         # promote output container types to backend-specific containers
    637         plain_text = self._promote_output(plain_text)

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.pyc in _preferred_text_formatter(self, obj, plain_text, **kwds)
    535             return out
    536         if want == 'latex' and OutputLatex in supported:
--> 537             out = self._backend.latex_formatter(obj, **kwds)
    538             if type(out) is not OutputLatex:
    539                 raise OutputTypeException('backend returned wrong output type, require Latex')

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/repl/rich_output/backend_base.pyc in latex_formatter(self, obj, **kwds)
    482             mathjax = MathJax().eval(obj, mode='plain', combine_all=True)
    483         else:
--> 484             mathjax = MathJax().eval(obj, mode='plain', combine_all=False)
    485         from sage.repl.rich_output.output_basic import OutputLatex
    486         return OutputLatex(str(mathjax))

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.pyc in eval(self, x, globals, locals, mode, combine_all)
   1951         """
   1952         # Get a regular LaTeX representation of x
-> 1953         x = latex(x, combine_all=combine_all)
   1955         # The following block, hopefully, can be removed in some future MathJax.

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.pyc in __call__(self, x, combine_all)
    923         """
    924         if has_latex_attr(x):
--> 925             return LatexExpr(x._latex_())
    926         try:
    927             f = latex_table[type(x)]

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/plot/ in _latex_(self, **kwds)
   3240         """
   3241         tmpfilename = tmp_filename(ext='.pgf')
-> 3242, **kwds)
   3243         with open(tmpfilename, "r") as tmpfile:
   3244                 latex_list = tmpfile.readlines()

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/decorators.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kwds)
    410             kwds[ + "options"] = suboptions
--> 412             return func(*args, **kwds)
    414         # Add the options specified by @options to the signature of the wrapped

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/plot/ in save(self, filename, **kwds)
   3165             rc_backup = (rcParams['ps.useafm'], rcParams['pdf.use14corefonts'],
   3166                          rcParams['text.usetex']) # save the rcParams
-> 3167             figure = self.matplotlib(**options)
   3168             # You can output in PNG, PS, EPS, PDF, PGF, or SVG format, depending
   3169             # on the file extension.

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/plot/ in matplotlib(self, filename, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, figsize, figure, sub, axes, axes_labels, axes_labels_size, fontsize, frame, verify, aspect_ratio, gridlines, gridlinesstyle, vgridlinesstyle, hgridlinesstyle, show_legend, legend_options, axes_pad, ticks_integer, tick_formatter, ticks, title, title_pos, base, scale, stylesheet, typeset)
   2616                     pass
   2617             g.set_options(opts)
-> 2618             g._render_on_subplot(subplot)
   2619             if hasattr(g, '_bbox_extra_artists'):
   2620                 self._bbox_extra_artists.extend(g._bbox_extra_artists)

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/plot/ in _render_on_subplot(self, subplot)
    159         contours = options['contours']
    160         if 'cmap' in options:
--> 161             cmap = get_cmap(options['cmap'])
    162         elif fill or contours is None:
    163             cmap = get_cmap('gray')

/opt/sagemath-8.8/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/plot/ in get_cmap(cmap)
   1418     elif isinstance(cmap, six.string_types):
   1419         if not cmap in cm.datad:
-> 1420             raise RuntimeError("Color map %s not known (type import; for valid names)" % cmap)
   1421         return cm.__dict__[cmap]

RuntimeError: Color map spectral not known (type import; for valid names)
2019-09-25 10:34:10 +0200 asked a question weird behavior of show command

Hi The code

f(x,y)=x^3-x^2 + y^2;print f
g1 = contour_plot(f(x,y),(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2),contours=20,fill=False,cmap='spectral')

produces a plot with a hyperbolic point. On my computer, repeating this


yields a different plot

The purpose was to show this together with gradient field

f(x,y)=(x+2)^2/(y^2+ (x-1/2)^2) ;print f
g1 = contour_plot(f(x,y),(x,-2,6),(y,-2,4),contours=[1/10,1/2,4/5,1,2,3],cmap='spectral',fill=False)
g2 = plot_vector_field(df,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2))

This doesn't work, since the first plot is incorrect show(g1+g2)

2019-06-26 17:47:45 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-01-31 12:05:30 +0200 asked a question how to get hints on fixing silly syntax errors

Hi, I just spent half an hour on these two commands.

def mov(): 
        P=matrix(QQ,[[1, 1],[0, 1]]);

I retyped them, I moved them in different cells, nothing, I get syntax error.

"<ipython-input-76-049764d5c40b>", line 1
    def mov() :
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It works as long as I do not try to make a function

2018-12-17 09:18:25 +0200 answered a question Can I alias a sage command?

Sorry, I'm missing some syntax. I tried

def LP():
    alias 'LP'='MixedIntegerLinearProgram'

gets the error

File "<ipython-input-4-fc93b025772b>", line 2
    alias 'LP'='MixedIntegerLinearProgram'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
2018-05-18 16:25:23 +0200 asked a question Differences between series and taylor

Hi. This morning I had two similar codes that worked:

tay=Ls.series(s,2*n+1) #or tay=taylor(Ls,s,0,2*n+1)?



I couldn't see any difference in the parents, but with series I could continue getting Pade approx:


and with taylor I couldn't, hence my first question. Now, not even the first part, getting the series, does not work anymore, which adds a second question. It is true that the code that works was more complicated (including extra manipulations :the Pollaczek-Khinchine formula)

var('s ');rho=2/3;
#Compute Pollackek-Khinchine formula L_rui for the Laplace transf of ruin prob
R.<s> = PolynomialRing(QQbar) #algebraic numbers over Q, (or RR,CC)
FF = R.fraction_field()
#Compute Pollackek-Khinchine formula L_rui for the Laplace transf of ruin prob
m1=limit(L_F,s=0) #the s is removable singularity
L_rui=rho*Fe/(1-rho*fe) #in SR
show(taylor(Ls,s,0, 2*n+1))

Clearly, when simplifying for the purpose of asking on this forum, I added some silly mistake, but I can't see which

2018-05-15 10:55:02 +0200 answered a question Is it possible to change Polynomial Ring in the middle of a computation?

The working code for n=3 is

A=[1/6,2/6,3/6];ex=[2,6,4];rho=5/8;var('x s u')
F=sum(A[i]*exp(-x*ex[i]) for i in [0..2])#sum of exponentials
R.<s> = PolynomialRing(QQbar)
FF = R.fraction_field()
L_F=sum(A[i] /(s+ex[i]) for i in [0..2]);#Laplace transform of F
#Compute Pollackek-Khinchine formula L_rui for the Laplace transform of ruin probability
show(Fe) #note the s is simplified when working in QQbar
FF = R.fraction_field()

with output


I need now to "remove" somehow the ? before taking


It would be nice if something like


or inverse_laplace(RR(LL[0]),s,u) would work

2018-05-14 19:03:38 +0200 asked a question Is it possible to change Polynomial Ring in the middle of a computation?

Hi, I'm trying to invert the "Pollaczek-Khinchine" Laplace transform when it is rational

This works for me at degree 2:

Fx = (1/6*exp(-2*x)+5/6*exp(-6*x));rho=2/3
print('Hyperexponential claims:',Fx)
R.<s> = PolynomialRing(QQbar)#when all coefficients are not integer, use CC
FF = R.fraction_field()
L_F=laplace(Fx,x,s)#Laplace transform of F
#Compute Pollackek-Khinchine (PK) formula L_rui for the Laplace transform (LT) of ruin probability

but not at degree 3, since I do not know how to use partial_fraction_decomposition, and then to switch to RR numbers and then invert . If I start in R. = PolynomialRing(RR), for an already known LT, everything is fine. But, a certain simplification by s in PK formula will become impossible due to rounding errors, so I am forced to start with R. = PolynomialRing(QQbar) After obtaining the partial_fraction_decomposition, I must apply RR to all numbers , but I do not manage to do it. Without that conversion, inverse_laplace won't work

2018-05-14 18:07:14 +0200 commented answer inverse_laplace of a fraction whose denominator has real roots (or complex)

OK I got it, I just need to replace QQbar by RR. Silly me !!!!

2018-05-14 17:59:50 +0200 commented answer inverse_laplace of a fraction whose denominator has real roots (or complex)

the conversion is doable by RR(). Is there an easy way to apply RR to all parts of an expression?

2018-05-14 17:35:58 +0200 commented answer inverse_laplace of a fraction whose denominator has real roots (or complex)

The Pade of the uniform program is

var('s'); rho=2/3;L_f=(1-exp(-s))/(s) #LT of uniform density
L_F=(1-L_f)/s #LT of uniform survival function
#Compute Pollackek-Khinchine formula L_rui for the Laplace transform of ruin probability
m1=limit(L_F,s=0) #the s is removable singularity

with answer

(5/8*s + 15/2)/(s^2 + 45/4*s + 45/4)

it only remains to parfrac this. Thanks, Florin

2018-05-14 17:07:35 +0200 edited answer inverse_laplace of a fraction whose denominator has real roots (or complex)

in competitive risks models, there are more interesting things to do OK, I'm dealing with a risk expert :) which University are you based in?

I am just trying now to program in Sage a pedagogic exercise: compute the ruin probability for the Cramer-Lundberg model with a) hyperexponential claims; this should be easy, except that I am novice enough to Sage to have forgotten how these 1.33456? numbers are called, and how to convert an expression involving many of these numbers to a type which will be accepted by the command inverse_laplace

b) uniform claims (so the LT is not rational); after rationalizing the LT by Pade, this reduces to previous; it's a one liner in Mathematica, but takes hours in sage due to the crude help system.