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using Jupiter notebooks .ipynb created on Windows (Oracle VM virtual box) on sage, linux

asked 7 years ago

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1) I use Jupiter notebooks .ipynb created on Windows (Oracle VM virtual box) at home, and would like to upload and use them on our linux sage installation, in our University

It seems this is impossible (upload of .ipynb is refused by linux sage)

2) As a substitute, I noticed on a notebook .sage created by someone else that it is at least pure text, and hence can be copied-pasted on a new file in the linux machine. Is it possible to convert my .ipynb notebooks to .sage notebooks? This would allow using them both as notebooks and as a source of copypaste when upload is refused. In fact, can .sage files be created on Windows (Oracle VM virtual box)?

Thanks, Florin

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Hi Florin. Tip: don't check the "community wiki" checkbox.

slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 7 years ago )

NB. It's Jupyter with y instead of i.

slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 7 years ago )

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answered 7 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

You should start the Jupyter notebook server instead of the old "SageNB" notebook server.

For that, run sage -n jupyter in a terminal.

You don't need to "upload" jupyter notebook worksheets.

You just get to them using the file explorer in the Jupyter notebook server, and open them.

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Merci, Samuel :)

florin gravatar imageflorin ( 7 years ago )

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Asked: 7 years ago

Seen: 527 times

Last updated: Nov 26 '17