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2020-11-25 11:43:19 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-01-21 20:46:35 +0200 commented question matrix base ring changes by a complex multiplication

Thank you very much.

2020-01-15 12:59:54 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2020-01-15 10:59:29 +0200 asked a question matrix base ring changes by a complex multiplication

The complex multiplication of matrix changes the base ring.

A = matrix(CDF,[[1,2],[3,4]]); print(A)
B = 2*A
C = I*A

The result is

[1.0 2.0]
[3.0 4.0]
<class 'sage.matrix.matrix_complex_double_dense.Matrix_complex_double_dense'>
<class 'sage.matrix.matrix_complex_double_dense.Matrix_complex_double_dense'>
<class 'sage.matrix.matrix_symbolic_dense.Matrix_symbolic_dense'>

So the multiplication by an imaginary number breaks the CDF property. This is very inconvenient for numerical calculations, because the symbolic computation is very slow.

2016-02-18 20:20:02 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2016-02-18 20:19:38 +0200 answered a question numerical value of hypergeometric function

Thank you for telling me the correct usage.

2016-02-18 20:18:02 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-02-13 09:01:57 +0200 commented question numerical value of hypergeometric function

The special value of the hypergeometric 2F1 can be found in (this page) or maybe its reference. By the way, 8/6 in my posting is typo. Correctly, this is 8/5.

2016-01-31 21:07:42 +0200 asked a question numerical values of hypergeometric function fails?

I want to compute the value of hypergeometric 2F1 like this.

a=1/3; b=2/3; c=5/6; x=27/32
print n(hypergeometric([2,1],[a,b,c],x))

Sage math answered 16.9608452387059. But this should be 8.0/5=1.6000000.

2016-01-31 21:07:41 +0200 asked a question numerical value of hypergeometric function

I want to compute the value of hypergeometric 2F1 like this

a=1/3; b=2/3; c=5/6; x=27/32
print n(hypergeometric([2,1],[a,b,c],x)

Sagemath answered 16.9608452387059. But this should be 8/5=1.60000000. All the other numerical values are also unreliable.

I hope this will be fixed in the next version.