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2024-11-28 06:40:42 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-11-26 05:59:46 +0100 edited answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

I propose to improve @FrédéricC's solution as below to avoid errors in certain cases : tuplesL=[ ((1,5,8,4),(2,6,7,3)

2024-11-25 08:53:27 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

Thank you @Max Alekseyev

2024-11-24 07:51:50 +0100 edited answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

I propose to improve @FrédéricC's solution as below to avoid errors in certain cases : tuplesL=[ ((1,5,8,4),(2,6,7,3)

2024-11-22 17:08:49 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

I wanted to copy Max Alekseyev's solution into the incomplete solution I gave.So first, I tried to transform my answer i

2024-11-22 17:07:25 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

I wanted to copy Max Alekseyev's solution into the incomplete solution I gave. I tried to transform my answer into a com

2024-11-22 16:03:46 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

Thank you @Max Alekseyev import string import sage.combinat.permutation as permutation nl=12 # letters number L=list(st

2024-11-22 15:43:52 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

Thank you @Max Alekseyev import string import sage.combinat.permutation as permutation nl=12 # letters number L=list(st

2024-11-22 15:17:25 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

Ok @Max Alekseyev

2024-11-22 10:44:38 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-11-22 09:04:50 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

@Max Alekseyev What do you mean ?

2024-11-22 09:02:16 +0100 edited question apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

apply Permutation to a letters list Hi Sorry for this very basic question, but how to apply the Permutation function to

2024-11-22 08:58:48 +0100 commented answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

But that doesn't accept singletons is a minor problem

2024-11-22 08:41:59 +0100 edited answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

I propose to improve @FrédéricC's solution as below to avoid errors in certain cases : tuplesL=[ ((1,5,8,4),(2,6,7,3)

2024-11-22 08:34:23 +0100 answered a question apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

I propose to improve @Frédéric's solution as below to avoid errors in certain cases : tuplesL=[ ((1,5,8,4),(2,6,7,3))

2024-11-20 07:37:57 +0100 marked best answer apply Permutation cycles to a letters list


Sorry for this very basic question, but how to apply the Permutation function to a list of letters ? I think it should exist a simplest way than the the cooking below. I searched the web, without success !

def applyGen(ge,dic) :   
    return [ge[dic.get(e)] for e in dic.keys() ]

def decrement_dic(dic): 
    return {k - 1: v - 1 for k, v in dic.items()} 


2024-11-19 18:26:40 +0100 commented question apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

ok thank you @FrédéricC

2024-11-19 16:44:05 +0100 asked a question apply Permutation cycles to a letters list

apply Permutation to a letters list Hi Sorry for this very basic question, but how to apply the Permutation function to

2024-11-05 17:07:52 +0100 commented answer Unable to locate package Sagemath

W11,WSL, UBUNTU24.02 ,SAGEMATH 10.4 installing with the link above I also encountered a missing package (me with with t

2024-10-24 08:12:49 +0100 commented answer complicated algebra test: infinite loop

Thank you @Emmanuel Charpentier

2024-10-24 08:11:42 +0100 marked best answer complicated algebra test: infinite loop

Hi W11,WSL,UBUNTU 22.04 ,SAGEMATH 10.2

test if zero of complicated algebra value gives infinite loop (if second t value uncommented)

t=-1/6*(1/4)^(1/3)*(3*sqrt(35)*sqrt(3) + 31)^(1/3)*(I*sqrt(3) + 1) - 2/3*(1/4)^(2/3)*(-I*sqrt(3) + 1)/(3*sqrt(35)*sqrt(3) + 31)^(1/3) + 1/3

#t= -1/12*sqrt((36*(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(2/3) + 21*(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(1/3) + 91)/(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(1/3)) - 1/2*sqrt(-(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(1/3) - 91/36/(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(1/3) - 27/2/sqrt((36*(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(2/3) + 21*(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(1/3) + 91)/(1/24*I*sqrt(827)*sqrt(6) + 593/216)^(1/3)) + 7/6) - 1/4

if t == 0 :
2024-10-23 18:49:32 +0100 commented question complicated algebra test: infinite loop

@Max Alekseyev no it does not work too, because for you it is ok ? if yes, then, this problem is only due to my config

2024-10-23 11:36:39 +0100 commented question complicated algebra test: infinite loop

Is this reproducible for someone else or is it a problem with me?

2024-10-23 07:31:21 +0100 asked a question complicated algebra test: infinite loop

complicated algebra test: infinite loop Hi W11,WSL,UBUNTU 22.04 ,SAGEMATH 10.2 test if zero of complicated algebra valu

2024-10-21 02:23:46 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-10-21 02:23:46 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-10-19 19:09:27 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-10-11 21:55:58 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-10-08 16:35:31 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-09-27 15:58:13 +0100 commented answer multivars eq ?

Thank you @Max Alekseyev .

2024-09-27 15:56:48 +0100 marked best answer multivars eq ?

how do I get SageMath to give me both solutions?

# R.<theta_0,theta_1>=QQ[]
aVars=var(['a_00', 'a_01', 'a_10', 'a_11'])
eqL.append(3*theta_0^2 + 9*theta_0*theta_1 + 5*theta_1^2 == \
           a_00*theta_0^2 + a_01*theta_0*theta_1 + a_10*theta_0*theta_1 + a_11*theta_1^2)
eqL.append(-a_01*a_10 + a_00*a_11 == 1)

for eq in eqL :
#how do I get SageMath to give me both solutions?    
# 2 solutions 
2024-09-27 13:39:53 +0100 commented question multivars eq ?

human can solve this 2 equations very easily for aVars

2024-09-27 13:38:53 +0100 commented question multivars eq ?

human can solve this equation very easily for aVars

2024-09-27 13:18:03 +0100 commented question multivars eq ?

W11,WSL UBUNTU SAGEMATH 10.2 solve(eqL,aVars) gives me something complicated, extract below: [[a_00 == -1/2*((r1 + r2

2024-09-27 13:17:13 +0100 commented question multivars eq ?

W11,WSL UBUNTU SAGEMATH 10.2 gives me something complicated extract below: [[a_00 == -1/2*((r1 + r2 - 9)*theta_0*theta

2024-09-27 10:01:26 +0100 asked a question multivars eq ?

multivars eq ? how do I get SageMath to give me both solutions? # R.<theta_0,theta_1>=QQ[] thetaVars=var('theta_0

2024-09-25 12:58:12 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-09-06 16:42:37 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-08-30 09:48:14 +0100 commented question how to get the sagemath programs related to graphs with nodes and edges

Hi look here maybe it could help you ?

2024-08-27 06:40:00 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-08-27 06:15:46 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-08-27 06:15:46 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-08-26 11:16:12 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2024-08-21 18:24:54 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-08-15 08:12:45 +0100 commented question Sagemath installed using WSL+Conda-Forge .. the shortcut does not launch jupyterlab in the browser automatically

Hi In my shortcut JupyterLab, I see this path : C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\ubuntu2204.exe run ~/