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SageMathCloud Clickable Interact Doesn't Work

I'm trying to run the sample clickable interact given by William Stein at, but nothing happens when I click on the image. The code is

def f0(fun=x*sin(x), mousemove='', click=''):
    g = plot(fun, (0,5))

    def h(p):
        f0.mousemove = p

    def c(p):
        print "click" = p

    show(g, events={'click':c, 'mousemove':h}, gridlines=True, fig_tight=False)

Also, what is p in this code? Is there any documentation on clickable interacts in SMC?

SageMathCloud Clickable Interact Doesn't Work

I'm trying to run the sample clickable interact given by William Stein at, but nothing happens when I click on the image. The code is

def f0(fun=x*sin(x), f0(fun=x*sin(x^2), mousemove='', click=''):
    click = sage_eval(click)
    g = plot(fun, (0,5))

(x,0,5), zorder=0) + point(click, color='red', pointsize=100, zorder=10)
    ymax = g.ymax(); ymin = g.ymin()
    m = fun.derivative(x)(x=click[0])
    b =  fun(x=click[0]) - m*click[0]
    g += plot(m*x + b, (click[0]-1,click[0]+1), color='red', zorder=10)
    def h(p):
        f0.mousemove = p
     def c(p):
        print "click" = p

    show(g, events={'click':c, 'mousemove':h}, gridlines=True, fig_tight=False)
svg=True, gridlines='major', ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)

Also, what is p in this code? Is there any documentation on clickable interacts in SMC?

click to hide/show revision 3

SageMathCloud Clickable Interact Doesn't Work

I'm trying to run the sample clickable interact given by William Stein at, but nothing happens when I click on the image. The code is

def f0(fun=x*sin(x^2), mousemove='', click='(0,0)'):
    click = sage_eval(click)
    g = plot(fun, (x,0,5), zorder=0) + point(click, color='red', pointsize=100, zorder=10)
    ymax = g.ymax(); ymin = g.ymin()
    m = fun.derivative(x)(x=click[0])
    b =  fun(x=click[0]) - m*click[0]
    g += plot(m*x + b, (click[0]-1,click[0]+1), color='red', zorder=10)
    def h(p):
        f0.mousemove = p
    def c(p):
    show(g, events={'click':c, 'mousemove':h}, svg=True, gridlines='major', ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)

Also, what is p in this code? Is there any documentation on clickable interacts in SMC?