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What are the differences between RealDoubleField() and RealField(53) ?

asked 11 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 2 years ago


This question is related to question 2402 (still open!) and tries to collect differences between RDF=RealDoubleField() and RR=RealField(53). These are two floating point real number fields with both 53 bits of precision. The first one comes from the processor floating-point arithmetic, the second one is "emulated" by mpfr. They are assumed to follow the same rounding standards (to the nearest, according to the sagebook, but i may be wrong).

However, we can see some differences between them:

sage: RDF(1/10)*10 == RDF(1)
sage: RDF(1/10)*10 - RDF(1)

sage: RR(1/10)*10 == RR(1)  
sage: sage: RR(1/10)*10 - RR(1) 

Could you explain that ? EDIT: this was a bug and it is now fixed, see trac ticket 14416.

There are also some specificities on which field should be used for some methods.

  • For example, it seems that the eignevalues are not well computed on RR, but are correctly computed on RDF (see trac #13660). What is the reason for that ?

  • Also, it seems that when dealing with huge matrices, the fast atlas library in only used when entries are in RDF, not in RR (see trac #10815).

Are there other difference that should be known between both implementations of floating point numbers in Sage ?


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It is worth noticing that the exponent is bounded in RDF and not in RR : sage: RDF(1/2^10000) == 0 True sage: RR(1/2^10000) == 0 False

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

As for matrices, I think that for a lot of these methods we send things to numpy and friends, which only do things in double precision... something along those lines, I'm not precisely sure. Some methods are even only available for `RDF`.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 11 years ago )

4 Answers

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answered 11 years ago

Volker Braun gravatar image

Slightly simplified, your question is about the following:

sage: RealField(150)( RDF(1)/RDF(10) )       # case 1
sage: RealField(150)( RR(1)/RR(10) )         # case 2


sage: R = RealField(prec=53, rnd='RNDZ')
sage: RealField(150)( R(1)/R(10) )           # case 3
sage: RealField(150)( RDF(1/10) )            # case 4

The first and second cases make guarantees about IEEE floating point behavior and therefore must yield the same answer. The third case explicitly states that it is rounding towards zero, and its to be expected that you get a slightly different answer with different rounding. The fourth case punts to the __float__ method of rationals, which is

def __float__(self):
    Return floating point approximation to ``self`` as a Python float.

    OUTPUT: float


        sage: (-4/17).__float__()
        sage: float(-4/17)
    return mpq_get_d(self.value)

According to the GMP/MPIR docs, mpq_get_d rounds towards zero so you get the same answer as in the third case.

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answered 11 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 11 years ago

Actually, it seems to be even worse! The sagebook is right in saying that RDF rounds its computations to the nearest:

sage: sage: print "RDF ", RealField(100)(RDF(1)/RDF(10)), RealField(100)(RDF(-1)/RDF(10))
RDF  0.10000000000000000555111512313 -0.10000000000000000555111512313
sage: for rounding in ['RNDZ','RNDD','RNDU','RNDN']:
....:     R = RealField(prec=53,rnd=rounding)
....:     print rounding, RealField(100)(R(1)/R(10)), RealField(100)(R(-1)/R(10))
RNDZ 0.099999999999999991673327315311 -0.099999999999999991673327315311
RNDD 0.099999999999999991673327315311 -0.10000000000000000555111512313
RNDU 0.10000000000000000555111512313 -0.099999999999999991673327315311
RNDN 0.10000000000000000555111512313 -0.10000000000000000555111512313

But the conversion from QQ to RDF rounds towards zero:

sage: print "RDF ", RealField(100)(RDF(1/10)), RealField(100)(RDF(-1/10))
RDF  0.099999999999999991673327315311 -0.099999999999999991673327315311
sage: for rounding in ['RNDZ','RNDD','RNDU','RNDN']:
....:     R = RealField(prec=53,rnd=rounding)
....:     print rounding, RealField(100)(R(1/10)), RealField(100)(R(-1/10))
RNDZ 0.099999999999999991673327315311 -0.099999999999999991673327315311
RNDD 0.099999999999999991673327315311 -0.10000000000000000555111512313
RNDU 0.10000000000000000555111512313 -0.099999999999999991673327315311
RNDN 0.10000000000000000555111512313 -0.10000000000000000555111512313

See trac ticket 14416.

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answered 11 years ago

vdelecroix gravatar image

updated 10 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

Rounding in RR and RDF is not the same, as shown below (or the precision is different, I do not know):

sage: a = RR(1/10)   
sage: a.sign_mantissa_exponent()
(1, 7205759403792794, -56)
sage: (a * RR(10)).sign_mantissa_exponent()
(1, 4503599627370496, -52)

sage: b = RDF(1/10)
sage: b.sign_mantissa_exponent()   # same floating point as above
(1, 7205759403792793, -56)
sage: (b * RDF(10)).sign_mantissa_exponent()  # different from above !!
(1, 9007199254740991, -53)

In particular, RR has the equality 1/10 * 10 = 1 but not RDF because

sage: RR(1).sign_mantissa_exponent()                       
(1, 4503599627370496, -52)
sage: RDF(1).sign_mantissa_exponent()
(1, 4503599627370496, -52)
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Indeed, it seems that for RDF, the rounding is not to the nearest as claimed in the [sagebook]( (Section 11.3.2). Il looks like more like a rounding toward zero. sage: print "RDF ", RDF(1/10)*10 - RDF(1), RDF(-1/10)*10 + RDF(1) RDF -1.11022302463e-16 1.11022302463e-16 sage: for rounding in ['RNDZ','RNDD','RNDU','RNDN']: ....: R = RealField(prec=53,rnd=rounding) ....: print rounding, R(1/10)*10 - R(1), R(-1/10)*10 + R(1) RNDZ -1.11022302462515e-16 1.11022302462515e-16 RNDD -1.11022302462516e-16 -2.22044604925032e-16 RNDU 2.22044604925032e-16 1.11022302462516e-16 RNDN 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

Great analysis. I wonder what we can do about this.

kcrisman gravatar imagekcrisman ( 11 years ago )

In Sage 5.11 I get: sage: print "RDF ", RDF(1/10)*10 - RDF(1), RDF(-1/10)*10 + RDF(1) RDF 0.0 0.0

Eviatar Bach gravatar imageEviatar Bach ( 11 years ago )

answered 11 years ago

kcrisman gravatar image

Here's at least one difference.

sage: RDF(1).ulp()
sage: RR(1).ulp()

sage: a = RDF(1/10)
sage: a.ulp()
sage: b = RR(1/10)
sage: b.ulp()

This seems relevant too; even though it's just printing, I think it might be connected.

sage: b
sage: a
sage: b^10
sage: a^10
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Indeed, those differences seems only about the string representation of the result, not the numbers themselves that seem equal: sage: RealField(150)(RDF(1).ulp()) 2.2204460492503130808472633361816406250000000e-16 sage: RealField(150)(RR(1).ulp()) 2.2204460492503130808472633361816406250000000e-16 sage: RealField(150)(RDF(1/10).ulp()) 1.3877787807814456755295395851135253906250000e-17 sage: RealField(150)(RR(1/10).ulp()) 1.3877787807814456755295395851135253906250000e-17 Whereas, the difference i mentioned seems to be related in a strange rounding somewhere sage: RealField(150)(RDF(1/10)*10 - RDF(1)) -1.1102230246251565404236316680908203125000000e-16 sage: RealField(150)(RR(1/10)*10 - RR(1)) 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

See this entry in the FAQ on the Sage wiki: [What exactly does Sage do when I type 0.6**2?](

slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 11 years ago )

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 4,277 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '14