File size limitations for uploading into DATA folder
I wanted to upload a file into DATA folder in Sage, but got the following error: Bad Request Maximum length of 10485760 bytes exceeded.
I guess there is a limitation 10MB on the size of a file. How can I change this limitation?
I have used numpy's genfromtxt command to import data in to sage and I have imported a file larger than 5GB. Is there a reason why you are trying to put it in the data folder rather than import using numpy?
I use Sage in Windows with Oracle VM VirtualBox. So I guess I can not simply access files in my local disk. I have first to upload files to DATA directory and then access file like this: f=open(DATA+'f.txt'); But if f.txt is bigger than 10MB I cannot upload it because I get the above error. If file is smaller than 10MB it works without any trouble.