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Add text to Tachyon image?

asked 2012-09-16 21:00:10 +0100

araichev gravatar image

Hi folks, is there a way to add text to Tachyon images? I tried

S = sphere(opacity=0.8, aspect_ratio=[1,1,1])
T = text3d('hello world', (2,2,2))
M = S + T'tachyon', frame=False)

in the Sage notebook, but that didn't work. Got a sphere but no text. I also searched the docs, but couldn't find anything relevant.

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2 Answers

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answered 2012-09-17 07:14:09 +0100

Volker Braun gravatar image

Text in raytraced scenes isn't supported at the moment.

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answered 2012-09-21 11:46:23 +0100

niles gravatar image

Indeed, Sage hasn't implemented this. When I really want text, I post-process the images with convert -annotate.

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Asked: 2012-09-16 21:00:10 +0100

Seen: 419 times

Last updated: Sep 21 '12