Groebner Basis for Submodules of a Free Module
I am interested in computing the Groebner basis for submodules of a free module. Is there a way to make this work in SAGE?
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I am interested in computing the Groebner basis for submodules of a free module. Is there a way to make this work in SAGE?
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Asked: 2012-04-01 16:56:02 +0100
Seen: 571 times
Last updated: Apr 01 '12
Implementing different groebner_basis() algorithms
Multivariate Polynomials over Rational Function Fields
large groebner basis calculations
Constructing a morphism of free modules using the indexing set
How to add term order to free module?
Quotient decomposition by Groebner basis
Groebner basis for rational functions with real coefficients