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Groebner basis for rational functions with real coefficients

asked 2011-06-06 14:36:40 +0200

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Does anybody know if sage supports computing groebner basis for an ideal of rational functions with real coefficients? I can do this in mathematica, but when using sage I get the error:

verbose 0 (2416:, groebner_basis) Warning: falling back to very slow toy implementation.

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answered 2011-06-06 22:57:25 +0200

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Just to phrase your question correctly, you want to work with a polynomial ring whose coefficient ring is rational functions with real coefficients.

You don't get an error, just a warning that there is no particularly fast implementation available. Singular just doesn't support it, so Sage falls back to its default implementation. Groebner basis computations over non-exact fields are generally iffy, so you should first think about whether you can rephrase your problem in an exact coefficient ring.

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Asked: 2011-06-06 14:36:40 +0200

Seen: 1,224 times

Last updated: Jun 06 '11