memory leak when doing lots of ideal tests

asked 2012-01-17 06:59:06 +0200

fivemack gravatar image

I'm trying to find elliptic curves lying on a quartic surface; there are probably clever ways to do this, but at the moment I am finding lots of quadrics through an integer point on the surface, then iterating over pairs of them and checking

x^4+y^4+z^4-67*t^4 in ideal(f1,f2)

This leaks about 2MB memory per second, presumably because the Groebner bases for the ideals are being cached; is there a way to tell sage not to cache them?

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I have the same problem now (iterating over some polynomials, the memory for the groebner base is not freed). I'm thinking about filing a bug report. Did you find any solution?

Anakonda gravatar imageAnakonda ( 2012-11-06 15:00:53 +0200 )edit