How do I quickly setup a remote Sage server? [closed]
I ssh'd to a remote machine on my local LAN, ran "./sage -n"; but I can't login to port 8000 remotely with https or http. Does twisted by default disallow remote connections, or are there likely platform-by-platform firewall issues? What's the quickest and closest thing to a zero-configuration setup? Like most casual users, I just "want it to work" -- minimal setup fuss. This isn't a complaint, but I think a common question.
What happens if you use `sage -notebook interface=''`? This will tell Twisted to listen on all network interfaces. See the docstring for `notebook` for other options. For example, on the Sage cluster I usually use `sage -notebook interface='' open_viewer=False port=XXXXX secure=True`.
Good point Mitesh, I should have tried the question mark before pulling the question trigger. :) I will try a few things, and self-answer.