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What is the "shell console?"

asked 2020-12-01 19:54:11 +0100

Laughematician760 gravatar image

I have just installed SAGEmath v9.2 on my laptop (after deleting version 7.3) and without any work after installation the program opened in Jupyter (from the previous SAGEmath setup I had). I am attempting to install this module:

It says to type in "$ sage -pip install admcycles --user" into the shell console, but due to my ignorance with computing I am unsure as to what the shell console is.

I am running SAGEmath on windows 7 if that happens to be of use.

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2 Answers

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answered 2020-12-01 20:27:48 +0100

mocha gravatar image

the shell is simply the command prompt window where you type commands (technically this not the definition of shell it's just an explanation of what is does). For example you can achieve this by looking for "command prompt" under the start menu.

You can simply install sage on Windows by getting the suitable binary for Windows after installing this, you will find 3 new programs added to your start menu " sageMath 9.2", "sageMath 9.2 Shell" and "sageMath 9.2 Notebook"

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answered 2020-12-02 13:49:50 +0100

slelievre gravatar image

In addition to the answer by @mocha, here is an alternative way, which avoids opening the shell if you prefer to stay in Jupyter.

Open a Jupyter document in the Jupyter notebook, type the following in a code cell, and execute that cell:

!pip install admcycles --user

Explanation: the initial ! is to run a shell command from inside a Jupyter document.

If that Jupyter document is using the Sage kernel, then the pip command runs Sage's pip; you don't need to type sage -pip.

In fact this is also the case in the Sage-Windows "Sage shell", you could type

pip install admcycles --user

with just pip instead of sage -pip.

Optionally, add --upgrade to the command:

!pip install admcycles --user --upgrade

(with initial ! if you type this in Jupyter, or without it if you type this in the shell).

The extra --upgrade is useful in case you already have a version of admcycles installed, older than the latest released version.

In that case, without --upgrade, pip finds that some version of admcycles is already installed and stops there, so the old version stays installed; while with --upgrade, pip uninstalls the old version and installs the new one.

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Asked: 2020-12-01 19:54:11 +0100

Seen: 857 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '20