Use .sagews or .sws files with Sage in Windows 10
How do you use .sagews
or .sws
(created in an older Sage or in CoCalc)
with Sage in Windows 10 on a desktop PC?
How do you use .sagews
or .sws
(created in an older Sage or in CoCalc)
with Sage in Windows 10 on a desktop PC?
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Asked: 2020-11-08 05:13:02 +0100
Seen: 791 times
Last updated: Jan 01 '21
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Please see first.
There are many answers with the keyword sws2rst : However, i am not sure it works on Windows, and i can not test (i am running GNU/Linux).
Thank you for your response - I believe I can do this now. Fred Nelson
@frederickmnelson -- can you be more specific on what helped you with your problem? That might help others with the same problem.