Hello, @john-bao! You could change the polynomial ring of the Taylor Polynomial. For example,
f(x) = sin(x)
T(x) = taylor(f, x, 1.0, 2)
R = PolynomialRing(RealIntervalField(10), 'x')
This will give you something like
-0.421?*x^2 + 1.39?*x - 0.120?
The ?
sign indicates you have a loss of precision. I am working with 10 bits, because 3 gives you very poor precision. If you don't like the ?
s, you can change the RealIntervalField(10)
with Reals(10)
, for example. If you want to know how many bits you need in order to have 4 digits, for example, you can use the digits_to_bits
from sage.arith.numerical_approx import digits_to_bits
R = PolynomialRing(RealIntervalField(digits_to_bits(4)), 'x')
Here is an alternative approach (although a little slower). This allows you to fix the number of bits or the number of digits (I'll use digits). Define the function:
def poly_prec(p, digits=4):
pol = 0
for op in p.operands():
if not op.is_constant():
ex = op.operands()
pol += ex[0] * N(ex[1], digits)
pol += N(op, digits)
return pol
I hope this helps!
May be you could just use
instead of1.0
? As intaylor(f,x,1,2)
this gives-1/2*(x - 1)^2*sin(1) + (x - 1)*cos(1) + sin(1)
Thanks @Nasser. What I need is a numerical solution.