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Assignation of components of a differential form (or multivector field) in sagemanifold

asked 6 years ago

Dox gravatar image

Dear all. I've crossed with the task of assigning components to a multivector field, and it's tedious! (specially higher ranks)

Question: Is there an efficient way of assigning components to tensors with symmetries?

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Please add an example of what is tedious.

rburing gravatar imagerburing ( 6 years ago )

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answered 6 years ago

eric_g gravatar image

Yes, please provide some example. Note that when you assign components to a tensor with symmetries, it suffices to assign the minimal number of independent components, the other components are then set by (anti)symmetry.

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@eric_g: Thank you! I didn't know that... I was assigning the components one by one! (there was the tedious part)

Dox gravatar imageDox ( 6 years ago )

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Asked: 6 years ago

Seen: 390 times

Last updated: Nov 22 '18