The problem with the code sample you posted in your second comment isn't the part you highlighted, but the first loop, i.e. the generation of the polynomials.
Indeed, on my 5 year old Intel Core i5 2500K I get
sage: R = BooleanPolynomialRing(256,'x')
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8,terms=10)
100 loops, best of 3: 11.3 ms per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8,terms=100)
10 loops, best of 3: 112 ms per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8,terms=1000)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.12 s per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8,terms=10000)
1 loops, best of 3: 11.3 s per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8,terms=100000)
1 loops, best of 3: 1min 52s per loop
which suggests that the time to generate a random polynomial of degree at most 8 in 256 variables scales linearly with the number of terms. Now, the total number of monomials of degree at most 8 is
(which I computed with sum(map(lambda k: binomial(256,k), range(0,9)))
), thus the time needed to generate one polynomial with R.random_element(degree=8,terms=+infinity)
should be
sage: t = 423203101008289/1000 * 1.12 * s
sage: t.convert(units.time.year)
On the other hand, you could try to speed this up with the choose_degree=True
option, which helps a little bit
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8, terms=1000, choose_degree=True)
10 loops, best of 3: 47.1 ms per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8, terms=10000, choose_degree=True)
1 loops, best of 3: 523 ms per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8, terms=100000, choose_degree=True)
1 loops, best of 3: 6.66 s per loop
sage: %timeit R.random_element(degree=8, terms=1000000, choose_degree=True)
1 loops, best of 3: 1min 28s per loop
although I almost ran out of my 8 GB of RAM with the last one, so unless you have access to lots of memory it is unlikely that you would be able to store the result of R.random_element(degree=8,terms=+infinity)
even if you could compute it in a reasonable time, let alone 256 of those...
Final note: If you don't need to use your polynomials more than once, you could try to directly generate their evaluation at some given point, although I fear that won't help much. Anyway, since this is for your master thesis I suggest you bring the problem up with your advisor.
Please provide an actual example, and an actual timing. If it is too long to fit here, provide a link. For example, you could create a worksheet in a SageMathCloud project at, make the worksheet public, and provide a link to that worksheet.
OK. Here is exmple I added some comments. There are couple of functions and main. Interesting part is in function BlackBox()
OK. That example is too complicated so I will try to simplified it.
Is there some other way or library?