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Fast evaluation of big polynomials

Hello. I im working on my Master thesis in cryptography where i need evaluate 256 really big boolean polynomials of 256 variables of degree 8. I use this kind of evaluation: values = [0, 1, 1, 0, ... , 1] polynomial = x1x45x12x47x125x47x214x255 + ... + x3x25x32x47x122x47x234x250 tmp = polynomial(*values) The problem is that it lasts too long. Is there some faster way? Thank You

Fast evaluation of big polynomials

Hello. I im am working on my Master thesis in cryptography where i need evaluate 256 really big boolean polynomials of 256 variables of degree 8. I use this kind of evaluation: evaluation:

values = [0, 1, 1, 0, ... , 1]
 polynomial = x1x45x12x47x125x47x214x255 + ... + x3x25x32x47x122x47x234x250
 tmp = polynomial(*values)

The problem is that it lasts too long. Is there some faster way? Thank You