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Differences between load and attach

asked 2015-06-03 18:18:02 +0200

franpena gravatar image

Is the automatic reload of modified files the only difference between 'load' and 'attach'? In such case, if there is not a slowdown in the 'attach' performance, should not be always 'attach' preferred over 'load'?

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answered 2015-06-03 19:41:13 +0200

slelievre gravatar image

Here is the differences I would see.

  • If you are developing some code in an external file, and using it in the Sage REPL or the Sage Notebook, or a Sage worksheet on SageMathCloud, to debug or to explore, then 'attach' is your friend, especially while the code in the file is evolving.

  • If you just want to use some code from an external file but you are done modifying the code in that file, there is not much point in using 'attach', and 'load' is better suited to this need.

Another thing is that at some point attach was broken in the Sage Notebook. (Not sure if that is solved now?)

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The point is, if there is not a slowdown in the 'attach' performance, should not be always 'attach' preferred over 'load'? I.e., same speed, more features!

franpena gravatar imagefranpena ( 2015-06-05 15:58:30 +0200 )edit

@slelievre I don't know if attach is fixed or not, but I do know that for me (running sage 6.7) attach doesn't work, but load does.

twoerd gravatar imagetwoerd ( 2015-07-20 15:56:48 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-06-03 18:18:02 +0200

Seen: 784 times

Last updated: Jun 03 '15