How do I modify the 6.3 virtual to remove the login page in windows?
I guess that somewhere in some script file I need to change a "sage --notebook" to "sage --notebook automatic_login=True", but I can't find the script and I don't know anything about CentOS (and not much more about Linux). Is it in one of the rc.?? files in /etc/rc.d/?
Could you be a little more specific? You mention VM, so am I right that you run Sage in a virtual machine under Windows? As I understand it, automatic login works on the server machine only (that is, when you are logged in on the CentOS machine itself) and never when you contact the server from another machine in a browser window.
Right, sorry. I just mean the standard sage-6.3.ova running with virtualbox. It logs in automatically within the virtual machine, but it always makes me type in 'admin'/'sage' from Windows, where I prefer to work from. So it isn't possible then?
As far as I know, no. You can shorten the password though, but I never tried an empty password. And maybe your browser can take care of automatically providing credentials? Firefox proposes all the time to keep track of my passwords.