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factorize x2-5x+6=0 [closed]

asked 2014-01-24 12:54:19 +0100

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant by John Palmieri
close date 2014-01-24 13:09:59


This is not a question about Sage; it's just elementary algebra.

John Palmieri gravatar imageJohn Palmieri ( 2014-01-24 13:09:54 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-01-24 12:55:54 +0100

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >750 is welcome to improve it.

x2-2x-3x+6=0 x(x-2)-3(x-2)=0 (x-3)(x-2)=0 x=3 or x=2

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Asked: 2014-01-24 12:54:19 +0100

Seen: 302 times

Last updated: Jan 24 '14