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Display decimal as a fraction?

asked 11 years ago

bxdin gravatar image

updated 9 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

The number 1.5 represents 3/2 in decimal form.

In sage I can get 3/2 to display as a decimal: 3/2.n()

I haven't had any luck converting 1.5 to a fraction.

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3 Answers

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answered 11 years ago

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 11 years ago

You can try:

sage: QQ(1.5)


sage: (1.5).exact_rational()

As a warning, i let you undertand the following behaviour with decimal numbers:

sage: (1.1).exact_rational()
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Thank you. But what about numbers such as 4/3, that outputs .3333 to an infinity?

bxdin gravatar imagebxdin ( 11 years ago )

You will get: sage: RR(4/3) 1.33333333333333 sage: QQ(RR(4/3)) 4/3 sage: RR(4/3).exact_rational() 6004799503160661/4503599627370496

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

So there's no way to convert/simplify, 1.33333333333333, to 4/3 instead of that last humongous number?

bxdin gravatar imagebxdin ( 11 years ago )

Nope. It is related to precision problems. See this for example: sage: 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3 False

ppurka gravatar imageppurka ( 11 years ago )

Indeed. 4/3 is not a floating-point number since it can not be written as `p/2^q`. So, when you write sage: a = RR(4/3) You only get an approximation of `4/3`, whose value is sage: a.exact_rational() 6004799503160661/4503599627370496 If you want to recover `4/3` from `a`, you can do sage: a.simplest_rational() 4/3 or, sage: QQ(a) 4/3 But you should understand that two roundings were done during your computation, and that you may have lost something there.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 11 years ago )

answered 11 years ago

dazedANDconfused gravatar image

I ran across another way that's posted here where the author, John D Cook mentions the nsimplify command in SymPy (which you can can access in Sage). As the post indicates, you can suggest constants (eg pi) that should be considered and "...can also give nsimplify a tolerance, asking it to find a simple representation within a neighborhood of the number". Here's a screenshot of it recognizing 1.3333333333333 in a Sage Cell Server. image description

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answered 9 years ago

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1.5 equals to 1 1/2 .

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Asked: 11 years ago

Seen: 31,970 times

Last updated: Sep 15 '13