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2010-09-01 12:39:45 +0200 commented answer Numerical integration in a function

The only other item would be a mess I keep running into at defining the variable of integration. integral(f(x),x,0,1) verses numerical_integral(f(x),0,1). Numerical integral errors when the variable of integration is declared. If it would not do that, it would help bring the two into uniformity.

2010-09-01 12:36:57 +0200 commented answer Numerical integration in a function

For example in the answer to this one. I did not know that f=lambda x: x^2 would allow me to do f(2) result 4. Nor has any of the python docs on it been the most help. Mind I do more in Java :( and PHP :) than the little I have done in Python, but still some Sage documentation pointing at others?

2010-09-01 12:34:38 +0200 commented answer Numerical integration in a function

The main area I think that could use some documentation is the use of the Python inline lambda function. Most if not all of the integration issues I have had, have been solved with using this. However there is little in how to use it with Sage specifically.

2010-09-01 12:32:51 +0200 commented answer Numerical integration in a function

This worked great!

2010-09-01 12:32:41 +0200 marked best answer Numerical integration in a function

This works for me:

sage: var('d')
sage: f = lambda x,y: numerical_integral(1/d*2*x*y,.01,Infinity)[0]
sage: f(3,1)
2010-09-01 09:21:58 +0200 marked best answer Double Integral

You could try with numerical_integral. You didn't provide definition of B(), so here is example with simpler function:

sage: var('d h')
  (d, h)
sage:  integral(integral(exp(-(h-1)^2-(d-2)^2), d, 0,Infinity), h, 0, Infinity)
  1/4*pi + 1/4*(pi + pi*erf(1))*erf(2) + 1/4*pi*erf(1)
sage: n(_)
sage: numerical_integral(lambda h: numerical_integral(lambda d:exp(-(h-1)^2-(d-2)^2), 0,Infinity)[0], 0, Infinity)
  (2.8877377671374997, 2.8275945874944256e-06)

BTW: I'd like to know how to do the above without 'lambda'.

BTW2: Are you sure your integral converges at d=0?

2010-09-01 09:20:26 +0200 asked a question Numerical integration in a function

So what I want is to the integration wait until after the variables have been substituted so that it is able to numerically integrate. (Yes I need to numerically integrate. This is a simplified form that reproduces the same result.)


I thought there might be a way using a lambda defined function, but I was unable to find one.

2010-08-31 14:04:46 +0200 commented answer Setting Precision in Sage

I found out how. Deleting ~/.sage did it. rm -Rf ~/.sage

2010-08-31 08:37:30 +0200 commented answer Setting Precision in Sage

Hmm... I still get the same error with your options. Perhaps I broke something while trying to fix the problem. Any way to reset everything? Note I tried reset() and it still produced the error.

2010-08-30 16:27:44 +0200 asked a question Setting Precision in Sage
integral(integral(e^(-0.00260657639223762*(h - 11.1600000000000)^2 - 1.34372480515*(d - 2.85000000000000)^2)/pi, d, 0,Infinity), h, 0, Infinity).n()

I have been working through an error I am receiving with the above command. The error I get when I run it is:

TypeError: Error executing code in Maxima
    sage297 : integrate(sage293,sage294,sage295,sage296)$
Maxima ERROR:

rat: replaced -0.0026065763922 by -200/76729 = -.00260657639223762

rat: replaced -11.16 by -279/25 = -11.16

rat: replaced -1.343724 by -3233/2406 = -1.34372402327515

rat: replaced -2.85 by -57/20 = -2.85
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 5883790627 is not of type FIXNUM.

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

However if I shorten the decimals to something like:

integral(integral(e^(-0.0026*(h - 11.1600000000000)^2 - 1.343724*(d - 2.85)^2)/pi, d, 0,Infinity), h, 0, Infinity).n()

Then the command runs fine without any issues. Now perhaps this is a bug, but really I do not need the level of precision that is in these commands. Of course I do not want numbers here but variables and it is evaluating the variables to this level of precision that is causing the issue. For example I say:

sage: f(d,h) = (1/(2*pi*0.61*13.85))*exp(-1/2*((d-2.85)^2/0.61^2+(h-13.85)^2/13.85^2))
sage: f
(h, d) |--> 0.05918210333195241758892111025625850742735*e^(-0.002606576392237615503916381029337017294634*(h - 11.16000000000000000000000000000000000000)^2 - 1.343724805159903251814028486965869389949*(d - 2.850000000000000000000000000000000000000)^2)/pi

Any ideas? P.S. I have searched around, but I have not found any that apply to just basic numbers in Sage.

2010-08-26 17:39:08 +0200 edited question Double Integral

So I have equations:

B(x,d,h,G)=(a01+b01*x+c01*x^2+d01*x^3) + (a02+b02*x+c02*x^2+d02*x^3)*h + (a11+b11*x+c11*x^2+d11*x^3)*(G/d) +  (a12+b12*x+c12*x^2+d12*x^3)*(G/d)*h +  (a21+b21*x+c21*x^2+d21*x^3)*(G/d)^2 +  (a22+b22*x+c22*x^2+d22*x^3)*((G/d)^2)*h



(a##-d## are all decimals)

And I want to double integrate over d and h. So just for example I can integrate over just d:

f(x) = break1(x,d,11.16,2.85,11.16,0.61,13.85,.5).integrate(d,0,infinity)

and it evaluates just fine. Likewise if I put in an value for d and integrate over h, it also produces a value.

So I want the numerical approximation of this double integral, but when I try for it using:

f(x) = break1(x,d,h,2.85,11.16,0.61,13.85,.5).integrate(d,0,infinity).integrate(h,0,infinity)

/home/wil/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/symbolic/integration/integral.pyc in _evalf_(self, f, x, a, b, parent)
    199         # The gsl routine returns a tuple, which also contains the error.
    200         # We only return the result.
--> 201         return numerical_integral(f, a, b)[0]
    203     def _tderivative_(self, f, x, a, b, diff_param=None):

/home/wil/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/gsl/ in sage.gsl.integration.numerical_integral (sage/gsl/integration.c:1551)()

ValueError: Integrand has wrong number of parameters

At any rate, I think what is happening is that it is trying to evaluate the inside integral numerically first perhaps, which it is not able to do as it has a variable?

I tried using the lambda in the first answer, and I was able to evaluate, but I had to set it to max_points=10 to get an answer that was even close to correct, plus I could find no way to plot that one.

Thanks for any help! Wil

2010-08-26 14:51:39 +0200 marked best answer Plot error: a free variable?

Thanks; I don't quite understand what's broken, but I think I have a workaround.

sage: normal(x,av,sd)=((1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-(x-av)^2/(2*sd^2)))
sage: f(x,y)= x*y^3*normal(y,1,2)
sage: g = f.integrate(y,-2,2)
sage: g
(x, y) |--> 1/4*sqrt(2)*x*integrate(y^3*e^(-1/8*(y - 1)^2), y, -2, 2)/sqrt(pi)

(note that sage seems to think g is a function of x and y, even though it shouldn't be)

sage: h(x) = f.integrate(y,-2,2)
sage: h
x |--> 1/4*sqrt(2)*x*integrate(y^3*e^(-1/8*(y - 1)^2), y, -2, 2)/sqrt(pi)

(this is looking better, but still doesn't work . . . the problem seems to be the integrate command in the definition of h)

sage: plot(h,0,5)
ValueError: free variable: y

(the first way I could think of to get Sage to evaluate the integral was to use the numerical_approx method; maybe there's a better way, but this works :)

sage: k = lambda x: h(x).numerical_approx()
sage: plot(k,0,5)

(graph is shown!)

Note that, unfortunately, the following does not work:

k(x) = h(x).numerical_approx()
TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically

Unless someone knows better, I'm inclined to think this should be filed as a Trac ticket.

EDIT: after writing all this, I think the problem is the "symbolic expression" integrate(...). The following works as expected:

sage: k(x) = 1/4*sqrt(2)*x*(integrate(y^3*e^(-1/8*(y - 1)^2), y, -2,2).numerical_approx())/sqrt(pi)
sage: plot(k,0,5)
2010-08-26 14:13:35 +0200 commented question Plot error: a free variable?

See below.

2010-08-26 14:13:18 +0200 commented answer Plot error: a free variable?

Oh and before this I did run var('x d') so both of those are declared.

2010-08-26 14:11:58 +0200 commented answer Plot error: a free variable?

I only have trouble with it when I want to integrate with the same variable as is in normal() and having that variable outside of normal(). Example: x/(d+1)*normal(d,2.85,0.61) the integral(normal(d,2.85,0.61),d,0,Infinity)= just under 1

2010-08-26 13:59:15 +0200 commented answer Plot error: a free variable?

normal(x,av,sd)=(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-(x-av)^2/(2*sd^2)) If I integrate this alone at say the standard normal (x,0,1) or any other mean and standard deviation I get a number just like you would expect. It is just the normal distribution.

2010-08-26 13:14:41 +0200 commented answer Double Integral

I figured out what the [0] was! It was limiting the return to only the value and leaving out the error calculation.

2010-08-26 13:09:11 +0200 asked a question Plot error: a free variable?

This should be a rather simple question, and I think I am just not understanding the error.

I have a function say f(x,y)= x*y^3*normal(y,1,2) where normal() is the normal pdf equation (x,mean,standard deviation).

So I want to integrate across the pdf and then plot x. What I thought I would do was:

g = f.integral(y,0,Infinity)

But that give the error: ValueError: free variable: x

What am I missing?

2010-08-26 11:43:53 +0200 commented answer Double Integral

The full equation takes a really long time. I am guessing that it is just trying to be too precise. I don't need much. Anyway to decrease the precision?