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2022-10-22 18:15:59 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2022-10-19 14:47:12 +0200 marked best answer Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different points

I am new to SageMath (migrating from Mathematica), and I am having trouble solving differential equations where the value of the function and the value of its derivatives are available at different points. As for example,


where, $y(1)=1$ and $y'(2)=1$.

In SageMath, it seems that the boundary conditions needs to be given in the form $[x_0,y_0,x_1,y_1]$ or $[x_0,y_0,{y_0}']$, implying that the value of the function and its derivative needs to be specified at the same point.

Any help on how to solve such equations would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Kindly note, I am not interested in the actual solution to this problem, but in the Sage implementation of such problems.

2022-10-19 14:47:12 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2022-10-19 14:46:31 +0200 commented answer Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different points

This is not a homework. I am a research scholar who is trying to make the shift from Mathematica to Sagemath. Therefore,

2022-10-19 14:45:56 +0200 commented answer Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different points

This is not a homework. I am a research sudent who is trying to make the shift from Mathematica to Sagemath. Therefore,

2022-10-18 18:57:11 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2022-10-18 18:57:11 +0200 edited question Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different points

Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different point

2022-10-18 18:57:02 +0200 commented answer Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different points

Sorry, I made a mistake in writing the ODE. Can you kindly answer my query now?

2022-10-17 21:34:39 +0200 asked a question Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different points

Solve an ODE in Sagemath where the the value of the function and the value of its derivative is known at different point