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2023-04-26 11:17:35 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-11-06 20:31:31 +0200 marked best answer exp(x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)) fails to be simplified

I have tried simplify and simplify_full on exp(x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)), expecting e as the result, but sage does not simplify it. Curiously, simplify_full works on log(x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)), and returns 0. Also (x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)).simplify_full() returns 1. By the way, this is just the simplest example I could come up with, originally I have noticed in much more complicated expressions that sage failed to simplify them, because it failed to simplify inside the exponents.

2022-11-05 18:00:37 +0200 asked a question exp(x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)) fails to be simplified

exp(x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)) fails to be simplified I have tried simplify and simplify_full on exp(x/(x+1)+1/(x+1)), expecting e

2022-03-05 17:51:11 +0200 marked best answer Bug in series evaluated at 0


Here is a simple example of the problem I have found in sagemath:

var('x n')
print(sum(x^n/factorial(n), n, 0, Infinity))
x = 0
print(sum(x^n/factorial(n), n, 0, Infinity))

The first output is e^x (as expected), and the second output is 0, which I think should be 1, because $0^0=1$. Since the general formula works for every nonzero x, and it also gives a result for x=0, I feel like this could be quite misleading in more complicated examples, where the result is not so obvious. Or try this:

x = 0
print(sum(x^n, n, 0, Infinity))
print(sum(x^n, n, -1, Infinity))

Both outputs are 0, even though the first should be 1, and the second should be infinity/undefined. The issue seems to be about powers of 0 in the sum. Note that in the case of finite sums, both sum(0^n, n, 0, 5) and sum(0^n, n, -1, 5) produce errors, however sum([0^n for n in range(0,5)]) outputs 1. This is probably related to

2022-03-05 17:51:11 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2022-03-05 11:46:38 +0200 asked a question Bug in series evaluated at 0

Bug in series evaluated at 0 Hello! Here is a simple example of the problem I have found in sagemath: var('x n') print