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2022-05-20 14:43:21 +0200 commented answer limit of sequence

but shouldnt sagemath be able to figure out that its a riemann sum on its own?

2022-05-19 13:34:41 +0200 marked best answer replicate recursive sum

i have a function defined as

image description

how can i replicate this function in sagemath using the sum function? i know it can be done in pure python with recursion but then whats the point of sagemath and symbolic calculation?

what ive tried so far is:

f(x) = 1 if x == 0 else sum(1+f(j-1), j, 0, x-1)

but i get the following error:

NameError: name 'f' is not defined

now i know its not possible to use recursion on a variable like this but there must be some tricky way to go about doing that (i hope so and thats why im here)

thanks in advance

2022-05-19 10:38:03 +0200 commented answer limit of sequence

thank you!

2022-05-19 10:37:55 +0200 marked best answer limit of sequence

given this sequence

i tried the following:

  s,n = var('s,n')
  s = sum((3*n)/sqrt(2*n^4-k^2*n^2), k, 1, n)

but i get:

3*limit(n*sum(1/sqrt(-k^2*n^2 + 2*n^4), k, 1, n), n, +Infinity)

which is not the result i want, this sequence either diverges or converges, so its either a number or infinity/-infinity, any ideas how to make this work properly? or can sagemath not handle this type of limits?

thank you

2022-05-18 22:00:15 +0200 asked a question different display methods give different results

different display methods give different results when evaluating the following code we get 2 different results even tho

2022-05-18 15:38:47 +0200 asked a question limit of sequence

limit of sequence given this sequence i tried the following: s,n = var('s,n') s = sum((3*n)/sqrt(2*n^4-k^2*n^2), k

2022-03-14 17:02:55 +0200 asked a question where to get sagetex.sty

where to get sagetex.sty im trying to use sagetex but i cant find any sagetex.sty that works, all of the ones i found on

2022-03-11 22:52:01 +0200 asked a question how to do boolean algebra

how to do boolean algebra im currently studying algebra but i havent been able to figure out how to use sagemath in my s

2022-03-07 11:39:15 +0200 commented answer sum with indexed variable

makes sense, tysm

2022-03-07 11:39:06 +0200 marked best answer sum with indexed variable

how do i write a symbolic expression/function to calculate this sum based on the given value of the variable 'k'?

image description

2022-03-07 11:39:06 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2022-03-07 11:39:05 +0200 received badge  Supporter (source)
2022-03-06 20:47:21 +0200 edited question sum with indexed variable

sum with indexed variable how do i write a symbolic expression/function to calculate this sum based on the given value o

2022-03-06 20:46:48 +0200 asked a question sum with indexed variable

sum with indexed variable how do i write a symbolic expression/function to calculate this sum based on the given value o

2022-03-06 10:00:11 +0200 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2022-03-04 18:51:36 +0200 commented question replicate recursive sum

done replaced with a link, thanks

2022-03-04 18:51:00 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2022-03-04 18:51:00 +0200 edited question replicate recursive sum

replicate recursive sum i have a function defined as https :// how can i replicate this functio

2022-03-04 18:47:24 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2022-03-04 18:45:31 +0200 asked a question replicate recursive sum

replicate recursive sum i have a function defined as: (cant post links or images so ill put the latex code) \begin{ali