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2021-10-10 13:04:50 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2021-10-08 12:28:16 +0200 commented question SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics

@tmonteil @FrédéricC I've updated my post. You're right, my SageMath is not up to date. I thought that the sudo apt-get

2021-10-08 12:28:08 +0200 commented question SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics

@tmonteil @FrédéricC I've updated my answer. You're right, my SageMath is not up to date. I thought that the sudo apt-ge

2021-10-08 12:26:55 +0200 edited question SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics

SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics Hello, I'm trying to run the following code which computes a si

2021-10-08 12:26:42 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-10-08 12:26:42 +0200 edited question SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics

SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics Hello, I'm trying to run the following code which computes a si

2021-10-08 10:52:29 +0200 asked a question SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics

SageMath crashes when doing simple function arithmetics Hello, I'm trying to run the following code which computes a si