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2023-12-04 21:55:29 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-10-31 12:03:13 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-10-31 12:03:13 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-03-27 07:47:13 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-05-07 07:13:39 +0200 received badge  Commentator
2021-05-06 22:51:51 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

@slelievre Once again, thankyou. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging the latest revision, but it took me a while to wor

2021-05-06 22:50:34 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

@slelievre Once again, thankyou. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging the latest revision, but it took me a while to wor

2021-05-04 16:23:52 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

@slelievre Thank you. I will try hard to ensure I come to understand your methodology, not just use your results. To t

2021-05-04 16:17:11 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

@slelievre Thank you. I will try hard to ensure I come to understand your methodology, not just use your results. To t

2021-05-04 16:16:49 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

@slelievre Thank you. I will hard to ensure I come to understand your methodology, not just use your results. To that

2021-05-04 16:14:55 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

Other queries regarding notation/description. "q the orthogonal projection to Q" as in q, is a plane parallel (at some

2021-05-04 15:38:46 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

Other queries regarding notation/description. "q the orthogonal projection to Q" as in q, is a plane parallel (at some

2021-05-04 14:55:46 +0200 marked best answer Geometry math

I can't wrap my brain around this today.

If you have hexagons attached to the edges of a pentagon in 2D, how far must you rotate two of the hexagon around their common edge with the pentagon, to bring their common edge into alignment? image description image description

That is, how do you calculate it. It might be squares around a triangle, or pentagons around a square etc.

2021-05-04 12:27:49 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

However, as a counter-counter example, your formulation also works for hexagons around a triangle: hexagons around a tri

2021-05-04 10:59:27 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

Thank you for taking a second crack at this. This method closely resembles the construction method I use, based on the

2021-05-04 10:59:02 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

Thank you for taking a second crack at this. This method closely resembles the construction method I use, based on the

2021-05-04 10:50:28 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

@emmanuel charpentier I'm 65+, and definitely not a "student" and this is definitely not homework. Retired engineer tur

2021-05-04 10:47:13 +0200 commented answer Geometry math

Thank you for taking a second crack at this. This method closely resembles the construction method I use, based on the

2021-05-02 18:41:31 +0200 marked best answer How to create a 3D plot of a parametric equation that requires 3 variables?

I'm try to plot (one nappe of) a cone using the parametric formula (from : parametric equation

where s , t , u range over [ 0 , θ ), [ 0 , 2 π ) , and [ 0 , h ], respectively.

I tried:

parametric_plot3d((u*tan(s)*cos(t),u*tan(s)*sin(t),u),(u,0,20),(s,0,60*(pi/180)),(t,0,2*pi) )

but it took the third range as plot_points.

Then I tried:

parametric_plot3d((u*tan(t/6)*cos(t),u*tan(t/6)*sin(t),u),(u,0,20),(t,0,2*pi) )

attempting to let t do double duty as s also. It plots, but produces: image description

Which is pretty, but no cigar.

How can I achieve my goal?

Update: I found another formulation of the equation on the web and tried:

parametric_plot3d( ( sin(x*arctan(y/x))*sin(y*arctan(y/x)), sin(x*arctan(y/x))*cos(y*arctan(y/x)), sin(x*arctan(y/x)) ), (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi) )

And got:

bad code 2

Ditto on the absence of stoggies.

2021-05-02 15:18:46 +0200 edited question Geometry math

Geometry math I can't wrap my brain around this today. If you have hexagons attached to the edges of a pentagon in 2D,

2021-05-02 14:44:12 +0200 asked a question Geometry math

Geometry math I can't wrap my brain around this today. If you have hexagons attached to the edges of a pentagon in 2D,

2021-04-30 17:59:15 +0200 marked best answer Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

The Sage tutorial says:

or from the Sage notebook (click Help, then click Tutorial to interactively work through the tutorial from within Sage).

but when I follow those directions I get:

``` 404 : Not Found

You are requesting a page that does not exist! ```

The url in the new tab that appears is:


And the notebook server shows:

``` [W 08:24:19.246 NotebookApp] 404 GET /kernelspecs/sagemath/doc/tutorial/index.html?v=20210430004223

( 19.26ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Untitled2.ipynb ```

What am I doing wrong?

2021-04-30 17:25:38 +0200 commented answer Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

Thanks for the comprehensive explanation. 8.9 downloading now. I'm looking forward to the live tutorial.

2021-04-30 13:25:41 +0200 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2021-04-30 11:30:30 +0200 commented answer Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

I have 9.2 precompiled for windows.using Python 3.7.7 I do not know what SageNB notebook is? I have three items in the

2021-04-30 11:28:59 +0200 commented answer Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

I have 9.2 precompiled for windows.using Python 3.7.7 I do not know what SageNB notebook is? I have three items in the

2021-04-30 09:33:24 +0200 edited question Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error. The Sage tutorial says: or from the Sage notebook (click Help

2021-04-30 09:32:55 +0200 edited question Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error. The Sage tutorial says: or from the Sage notebook (click Help

2021-04-30 09:32:39 +0200 edited question Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error. The Sage tutorial says: or from the Sage notebook (click Help

2021-04-30 09:32:08 +0200 edited question Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error. The Sage tutorial says: or from the Sage notebook (click Help

2021-04-30 09:31:51 +0200 asked a question Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error.

Working through the Sage tutorial in a notebook error. The Sage tutorial says: or from the Sage notebook (click Help