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micsthepick's profile - activity

2023-07-21 14:30:46 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2023-07-21 14:30:41 +0200 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2023-07-21 14:30:41 +0200 received badge  Teacher (source)
2023-07-18 01:02:05 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-07-18 01:02:05 +0200 edited answer tqdm in jupyter doesn't work correctly

For whatever reason the following got sagemath to work fine with tqdm (I had only recently installed sagemath, so I was

2023-07-18 01:01:46 +0200 answered a question tqdm in jupyter doesn't work correctly

For whatever reason the following got sagemath to work fine with tqdm (I had only recently installed sagemath, so I was

2023-07-16 07:28:15 +0200 asked a question tqdm in jupyter doesn't work correctly

tqdm in jupyter doesn't work correctly I've run the following to install tqdm: sage --pip install --user tqdm sage --pi

2020-08-04 02:39:45 +0200 commented answer Running Sagemath 8.2 natively in Windows, how to change the Jupyter default directory?

it wasn't immediately obvious to me that "in the shell" meant the sagemath shell