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2023-01-30 14:49:31 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-12-21 01:48:21 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-12-21 01:34:52 +0200 asked a question I deleted ~/.sage but can still run sage from terminal?


I was using sage 8.1 on Ubuntu 18.04.2. Sage was behaving weirdly, so I wanted to delete and reinstall it. However even after deleting ~/.sage I can still run sage from the terminal. What should I do?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: now I have downloaded sage-8.9-Ubuntu_18.04-x86_64.tar.bz2 and extracted the content. When I type sage in terminal in the directory SageMath, I still get the 8.1 version. However, when I type ./sage, I get the 8.9 version.

2019-12-21 01:24:56 +0200 commented question sage-run received unknown option -i

I can't remember but normally it should be. Now I want to uninstall sage and reinstall it. I deleted the ~/.sage folder but I can still run sage from the terminal. How come?

2019-12-20 13:32:59 +0200 asked a question sage-run received unknown option -i


After typing sage -i [package name], I received the error message: sage-run received unknown option -i usage: sage [options] Try 'sage -h' for more information. What is wrong? I use version 8.1

Thanks in advance!