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jimb417's profile - activity

2024-12-07 13:02:24 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-08-28 05:27:38 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-08-05 00:32:03 +0100 asked a question how to fix sage.all not available this is a limited REPL on Fedora 40 KDE

how to fix sage.all not available this is a limited REPL on Fedora 40 KDE I just built Sage 10.4 from source. Everything

2024-07-14 20:50:23 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-07-14 20:50:23 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-05-12 09:00:50 +0100 asked a question how to fix build error in sagemath 10.3 on fedora 40 GNOME: failed to build ppl-1.2.p1GNOME

how to fix build error in sagemath 10.3 on fedora 40 GNOME: failed to build ppl-1.2.p1GNOME on compiling the source code

2023-04-25 08:22:46 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-04-23 09:14:40 +0100 asked a question sagemath 9.8 matrices do not display properly in Jupyter notebooks

sagemath 9.8 matrices do not display properly in Jupyter notebooks My sagemath 9.8 is not displaying matrices properly i

2020-12-06 18:57:40 +0100 received badge  Student (source)
2020-12-06 07:11:21 +0100 commented question 9.2 download for Ubuntu 20.04 documentation

I didn't build from source, just changed into the directory I extracted the files to and ran the sage executable that was there.

2020-12-06 00:36:41 +0100 asked a question 9.2 download for Ubuntu 20.04 documentation

I've downloaded the Sage 9.2 Ubuntu 20.04 tarball and got it up and running. I'm having problems accessing the help documentation when I have a jupyter notebook open. When I click on any help topic, there is an error message: "404 Not Found. The page you are requesting does not exist" How can I fix this? Thanks for any help.

2020-01-20 17:34:28 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-01-20 17:34:28 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-06-01 06:58:58 +0100 commented question How do I get the kernel to connect to Jupyter notebook with Sage 8.7

I installed Sage from Fedora's repositories along with the Jupyter notebook. I launch a new notebook using 8.7 and that's when the error message appears about the connection.

2019-05-19 07:54:43 +0100 answered a question How do I get the kernel to connect to Jupyter notebook with Sage 8.7

Apparently the problem is with Python 3. I downloaded and compiled the source code for 8.7 and all worked as before as it compiled using Python 2.7.15. Is Sage going to be ported to Python 3?

2019-05-18 11:55:09 +0100 asked a question why can't I connect to Sagemath 8.7 kernel in Jupyter notebook with Fedora 30

The kernel starts after a few moments but a message appears after a few more moments stating it can't connect to the notebook server and that I should check the network connection or configuration file. I don't know what the configuration file is or how to set it up or where it's located.

2019-05-18 11:55:08 +0100 asked a question How do I get the kernel to connect to Jupyter notebook with Sage 8.7

I'm using Fedora 30 and have installed the 64-bit versions of Sagemath and all of the required files. When creating a new notebook, all I get is a message saying the kernel cannot connect and to check my network connection or configuration files. I don't want to use Sage locally and not share notebooks or collaborate with others.