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2022-04-13 17:13:37 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-04-13 17:13:37 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-09-12 00:56:25 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2018-09-11 16:22:27 +0200 commented answer How to get the left matrix that was used to obtain reduced row echelon form?

Thanks for your quick answer. However, it does not really what I would like to have :-/ Am I doing something wrong or does It not work if A is over GF(q). (gives A.echelon_form(transformation=True) always reduced row echelon form or just echelon form?)

Thanks :)

2018-09-10 18:02:31 +0200 asked a question How to get the left matrix that was used to obtain reduced row echelon form?

Hi all.

I have a matrix A and would like to determine a matrix E such that E*A = R, where R is the reduced row echelon form of the matrix A. I just know the command R = A.rref(). But I don't know how to get E (my stupid solution is to compute the inverse of the pivot columns of A ...). Is there e.g. an argument such that A.rref() also outputs E?

Thanks a lot, Julian