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2024-09-08 14:13:23 +0200 commented question SageManifold expand around infinity

With e.g. g[0,0].expr() which is a symbolic expression you'll be able to do more.

2024-08-30 13:09:19 +0200 edited question how to get the sagemath programs related to graphs with nodes and edges

how to get the sagemath programs related to graphs with nodes and edges i need to write programs to draw a graph in gr

2024-08-30 13:08:26 +0200 edited question how to get the sagemath programs related to graphs with nodes and edges

how to get the sagemath programs related to graphs with nodes and edges i need to write programs to draw a graph in gr

2024-08-21 08:33:31 +0200 commented answer How can I generate a Bitset with a fixed capacity and random bits?

Then you have to add zero padding, and the resulting code is slightly longer, though arguably a bit more readable. Feel

2024-08-21 08:33:17 +0200 commented answer How can I generate a Bitset with a fixed capacity and random bits?

@Max Then you have to add zero padding, and the resulting code is slightly longer, though arguably a bit more readable.

2024-08-20 19:08:53 +0200 commented answer How can I generate a Bitset with a fixed capacity and random bits?

I agree with you. The alternative is a list of integers. I would expect to be able to use a single integer (interpreted

2024-08-20 13:36:29 +0200 answered a question How can I generate a Bitset with a fixed capacity and random bits?

sage: length = 10 sage: Bitset(f"{{:0{length}b}}".format(randint(0, 2**length - 1))) 0010101001 sage: Bitset(f"{{:0{leng

2024-08-17 22:53:51 +0200 edited question windows 10 and sage

windows 10 and sage How does one use Sage under Windows 10?

2024-08-09 09:26:59 +0200 commented question Defining several independent Weyl Character Rings

It's hard to read but not impossible: in each term the first factor in parentheses is in the base ring G1, and the secon

2024-08-08 09:57:21 +0200 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-08-06 20:28:36 +0200 edited answer How can I create a proper **dense** PolynomialRing over any ring?

The internal representation is dense. You can (efficiently) get the dense list of coefficients as follows: sage: p.coef

2024-08-06 20:27:06 +0200 answered a question How can I create a proper **dense** PolynomialRing over any ring?

The internal representation is dense. You can (efficiently) get the dense list of coefficients as follows: sage: p.coef

2024-08-02 15:50:47 +0200 commented answer The sum function doesn't work in my Jupyter notebook. I get the following error message. Any help appreciated.

The default value is symbolic_sum, which has a fallback to Python's sum when few arguments are given. See e.g. the outpu

2024-08-02 15:50:27 +0200 commented answer The sum function doesn't work in my Jupyter notebook. I get the following error message. Any help appreciated.

The default value is symbolic_sum, which has a fallback to Python's sum when few arguments are given. See e.g. sum?? in

2024-08-02 15:49:55 +0200 commented answer The sum function doesn't work in my Jupyter notebook. I get the following error message. Any help appreciated.

@Max The default value is symbolic_sum, which has a fallback to Python's sum when few arguments are given. See e.g. sum?

2024-08-02 12:06:49 +0200 commented answer The sum function doesn't work in my Jupyter notebook. I get the following error message. Any help appreciated.

Indeed, one should avoid using names of builtin functions for variables, to avoid losing access to the functions. To get

2024-07-21 15:59:58 +0200 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-07-21 15:27:52 +0200 edited answer The canonical labels in SageMath are different from those in nauty.

Yes they are different, the documentation of canonical_label states that it takes an algorithm parameter, and the defaul

2024-07-21 15:24:19 +0200 answered a question The canonical labels in SageMath are different from those in nauty.

Yes they are different, the documentation of canonical_label states that it takes an algorithm parameter, and the defaul

2024-06-19 12:05:20 +0200 commented question Solving polynomial equations using Grobner basis technique

What do you want to do if J.dimension() > 0 (i.e. there are not only common points but there is a common curve or sur

2024-06-19 12:04:39 +0200 commented question Solving polynomial equations using Grobner basis technique

What do you want to do if J.dimension() > 0 (i.e. there are not only common points but there is a common curve or sur

2024-06-19 12:03:18 +0200 commented question Solving polynomial equations using Grobner basis technique

What do you want to do if J.dimension() > 0 (i.e. there are not only common points but there is a common curve or sur

2024-06-11 12:12:43 +0200 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-06-05 16:17:05 +0200 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-06-05 14:05:35 +0200 commented question I cannot take sqrt of units

Another alternative (after canonicalizing the radical) is to use an ExpressionTreeWalker to substitute numerical approxi

2024-06-05 13:55:41 +0200 commented answer I cannot take sqrt of units

I updated the function to determine the variable names automatically.

2024-06-05 13:54:10 +0200 edited answer I cannot take sqrt of units

Here is something that works on your second example: def evaluate_with_units(expr): expr_canonical = expr.canonical

2024-06-05 12:24:53 +0200 answered a question I cannot take sqrt of units

Here is something that works on your second example: def evaluate_with_units(expr): expr_canonical = expr.canonical

2024-06-05 12:05:45 +0200 answered a question How to add a condition in the sum function in sage

Instead of using the symbolic sum that you mention, you can use Python's built-in sum that takes an iterable such as a g

2024-05-25 10:13:21 +0200 answered a question Automated assessment of exercises in Jupyter with Sage

I haven't used it myself, but CoCalc has a custom reimplementation of nbgrader: CoCalc Manual / Instructor Guide / Tea

2024-05-21 14:44:51 +0200 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2024-05-21 12:52:25 +0200 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-05-20 23:19:42 +0200 answered a question is this a bug?

No it is not, in the second instance you wrote b+b instead of b*b, which is not the same thing when b=8.

2024-05-09 09:53:39 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-05-06 11:39:08 +0200 answered a question What does undef mean

This is a bug in SageMath. I've reported it here: Here is a workaround, s

2024-05-05 10:58:22 +0200 commented question What does undef mean

Interesting, the huge coefficients break every algorithm used by Sage: integral(y, t, 0, 1, algorithm=a) breaks for each

2024-05-05 10:55:39 +0200 commented question What does undef mean

Interesting, the huge coefficients break every algorithm used by Sage: integral(y, t, 0, 1, algorithm=a) breaks for each

2024-05-05 10:14:14 +0200 commented question What does undef mean

I haven't seen this personally so please post a (minimal) reproducible example of SageMath code producing such a result,

2024-05-01 09:24:51 +0200 commented answer How to generate map in sage

That equals x*y*z*xinv*(1 + z*y)*zinv*yinv*xinv and the inverse of 1 + z*y is 1 - z*y + (z*y)^2 - (z*y)^3 + (z*y)^4 + ..

2024-04-29 13:28:07 +0200 commented answer TypeError: x0 is not a valid variable trying to solve equation

PR #37899 would improve the error message.

2024-04-29 13:03:34 +0200 answered a question TypeError: x0 is not a valid variable trying to solve equation

The error message is incomplete, it should say "symbolic variable" instead. Indeed, x0 is not a symbolic variable (an el

2024-04-06 10:01:47 +0200 commented question Substitution using function-call syntax and unnamed arguments has been removed. You can use named arguments instead

This looks like a very strange bug. The workaround plot(lambda x0: f(x0), (x,0.1,10)) works in the meantime.

2024-04-06 09:49:50 +0200 commented answer How do I use CurveArrow?

I added an example. I'm not sure how to make p.add_primitive(a) work, there may be a bug there.

2024-04-06 09:48:08 +0200 edited answer How do I use CurveArrow?

This primitive class gets used when the arrow2d function is called with a path keyword argument, so you should call that

2024-04-04 10:05:40 +0200 commented question Modular form computation Error messages

Relevant quote: PariError: the PARI stack overflows (current size: 1073741824; maximum size: 1073741824) You can use par

2024-04-04 09:42:40 +0200 answered a question How do I use CurveArrow?

This primitive class gets used when the arrow2d function is called with a path keyword argument, so you should call that

2024-04-04 09:19:04 +0200 commented answer Solutions to Matrix Equation which are elements of a polynomial ring.

@gian98863 You're welcome. Please submit your revised question as a new self-contained post, ideally also adding a link

2024-04-03 13:49:25 +0200 commented question Listing subgroups of given index

To obtain (representatives of conjugacy classes of) subgroups of low index $\leqslant k$ you can do [G.subgroup(gap_grou

2024-04-01 16:32:07 +0200 answered a question Solutions to Matrix Equation which are elements of a polynomial ring.

Firstly, F = PolynomialRing(GF(3),'x') defines a polynomial ring F in one variable, where the variable is internally nam

2024-04-01 12:57:56 +0200 edited answer Reference for cospectral_graphs function?

The cospectral_graphs function was added in #9141. Credits: Jason Grout (2010-06-04): cospectral_graphs The