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2018-02-24 20:18:17 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-02-24 20:18:17 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-12-05 23:32:59 +0100 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-12-05 23:32:15 +0100 answered a question real or not can you figure it out for me

S must be divided by the rest of the equation to get a dimension to slip in to, everyone has 1 soul so it is 1

2013-12-04 19:58:18 +0100 commented answer real or not can you figure it out for me

In the dream it was called dimension shifting to move through dimensional space at will, but then again it was a dream

2013-12-04 19:55:58 +0100 commented answer real or not can you figure it out for me

Sorry not really I saw this equation in a dream

2013-12-04 16:23:23 +0100 asked a question real or not can you figure it out for me

Could this equation exist in the physical world, D=[S(2)•M squared+p]/v D=dimension, S=soul, M=molecules, P=physical body, V= vibration speed, 2=conscious&subconscious mind

2013-12-04 15:27:09 +0100 answered a question How to make solve to use certain variables on the right side

Did I do this right, I1=(R1+R2)•U2/(R1•R2) ok R= reality, U= universe I1= (3•1+3•2)•1•2/(3•1•3•2), I1=(3+6)•1•2/(3•6), I1=9•2/18, I1=18/18, I1=1, I=1. I might just be a total numbskull I don't even know if this has anything to do with your guy's equations sorry if I was way off.