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2013-11-17 13:27:41 +0200 asked a question Installing sage from source on cygwin64 using preexisting packages

Hello, everybody!

I am new to Sage and I am trying to install Sage 5.12 on Cygwin64, fully installed and running well. When I tried to install as indicated (setting env variables and hitting "make"), I received an error when compiling MPIR. I downloaded this package separately and managed to build and install it. Then I realized that 21 out of the 93 software packages that come with Sage in the spkg/ directory have already come with Cygwin:

bzip2 freetype gcc gd glpk gsl iconv libpng mercurial mpc mpfr mpir ncurses patch ppl python readline scons setuptools sqlite zlib

Can I use these preexisting packages instead of building the spkgs that come with Sage? I understand that this would keep my whole environment tidier and would save me some disk, let alone avoiding potential compilation problems, such as with ncurses, sqlite, etc.

Before I go to installation and configuration files like Makefile, spkg/install, spkg/standard/deps, etc. and try to modify them so I can take advantage of the preexisting software (once my Cygwin installation is pretty up-to-date), three questions:

  • Is this possible?
  • Has anyone already tried to do this? I could not find it in the notes.
  • Is there a standard procedure for doing this?