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2016-05-10 15:52:27 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2016-05-10 15:50:19 +0200 asked a question I want to draw plot
P1=plot_slope_field(sin(y)*x^2,(x,-10,10),(y,-10,10), headlength=4, headaxislength=2)

P2=implicit_plot(-1/2*log(cos(y) + 1) + 1/2*log(cos(y) - 1) == 1/3*x^3,(x,-10,10),(y,-10,10))



P2 is not drawn T.T why???

2016-05-10 15:50:19 +0200 asked a question the plot is not drawn

y=var('y') P1=plot_slope_field(sin(y)x^2,(x,-10,10),(y,-10,10), headlength=4, headaxislength=2) P2=implicit_plot(-1/2log(cos(y) + 1) + 1/2log(cos(y) - 1) == 1/3x^3,(x,-10,10),(y,-10,10)) P=P1+P2 show(P)

P2 is not drawn T.T Why???