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2016-02-26 00:37:18 +0200 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2016-02-25 22:53:17 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2016-02-25 08:35:11 +0200 answered a question Using the semi-definite program solver

Thank you tmonteil,

I thought I had the last version of sage but I worked on the version 6. I have upgraded to 7.0 and now it's fine. Since SemidefiniteProgram() doesn't work on the cloud, I thought the problem was not the version of sage.

Have a nice day

2016-02-24 14:04:41 +0200 asked a question Using the semi-definite program solver


I try to use the solver for sdp as explained in the reference manual but "sage: p = SemidefiniteProgram(maximization = False)" returns: "NameError: name 'SemidefiniteProgram' is not defined" Is there something I am doing wrong?

Thank you for your help. Antoine