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PhGriffiths's profile - activity

2016-12-01 08:43:15 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-12-01 08:43:15 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-02-08 14:33:55 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-02-24 07:09:55 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-02-23 18:13:40 +0200 answered a question Pb with SageTeX

Well, I've found that sagetex creates files .stout.temp and .scmd.temp in the main user folder. And when I drag these files in the wright place (removing the .temp extension), TeXShop works and compile successfully! Good!

And also when I work directly in \users\

But how can sage put directly the files in the right folder? Question is still open...

2013-02-23 09:19:23 +0200 asked a question Pb with SageTeX


When I run Sage after TexShop on the file .sage created by TeX, I think that sagetex.sty works well, but, at the end of the process, I've got this error message below and it stops. What's wrong?

Thanks u for your answer.

(PS: I'm beginner... and french!)

Last login: Sat Feb 23 15:04:21 on ttys002
/Applications/ /Users/janyphiphi/Desktop/example.sagetex.sage; exit
marx:~ janyphiphi$ /Applications/ /Users/janyphiphi/Desktop/example.sagetex.sage; exit
Processing Sage code for example.tex...
Inline formula 0
Inline formula 1
Inline formula 2
Inline formula 3
Code block begin...end
Inline formula 4
Inline formula 5
Inline formula 6
Code block begin...end
Inline formula 7
Inline formula 8
Code block begin...end
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/janyphiphi/Desktop/", line 69, in <module>
  File "/Applications/", line 282, in endofdoc
    sagef = open(self.filename + '.sagetex.sage', 'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'example.sagetex.sage'

[Opération terminée]
2013-02-22 19:45:56 +0200 answered a question app installation problem on mac os x lion


I have installed the Sage 5.6 - OSX 10.6 on my Mac with OSX 10.7 Lion. It works pretty well until I decide to use sagetex (with TeXShop). And some problems arise: 1) I can't have the notebook anymore with safari (error message: 'can't connect to localhost:8000') while sage in the terminal works properly; 2) when I run the SageTest.sagetex.sage, I got this message:

File "/Users/janyphiphi/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive/Sage/", line 19, in <module> _st_.endofdoc() File "/Applications/", line 282, in endofdoc sagef = open(self.filename + '.sagetex.sage', 'r') IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'SageTest.sagetex.sage' logout

Any idea?

I'm french and beginner in terminal , python, and so on, so, be pretty, be clear, as far as possible! Thanks a lot