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2023-10-27 19:34:44 +0100 marked best answer Iterating over a finite group ring

I'd like to iterate over a group ring $kG$ for small finite $|k|$ and $|G|$ or make a list of its elements so I can run my algorithm on them. (Say A = GroupAlgebra(DihedralGroup(3), GF(2)).) However, attempting to use for i in A or list(A) throws ValueError: variable name '0' does not start with a letter.

How can one circumvent this?

2023-10-27 19:34:44 +0100 received badge  Scholar (source)
2023-10-27 16:23:49 +0100 asked a question Iterating over a finite group ring

Iterating over a finite group ring I'd like to iterate over a group ring $kG$ for small finite $|k|$ and $|G|$ or make a